HCA 13/72 f.331r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.331r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third and fourth articles hee saith and deposeth that
within the foresaid time, and more particularly in the
moneth of May 1654 (old stile) the said ship being in
her Course of proceding with her said lading from ffyuall
for this Port was neere the Streights mouth met with by
a Dutch ship (whereof Captaine Albert Cock was Comander)
named the Golden Dove or Revenge having about thirty Gunns
And that the said Captaine Cock and Company in
and with the said ship the Golden dove or Revenge then and there
set upon, surprized and by force tooke the said ship
the Packet ffrigot, with all her said Lading and carryed
them to Cadiz in Spaine where the said Master and
Company were turned out of her, and the said
ship and goods detained and possessed by the said
Captaine Cock and Company. All which hee knoweth
being aboard the said Packet ffriggot, at the time of
the said seizure, and Carried to Cadiz in the man
of warr, in the said ship's Company. And saith
that the said Captaine at the time of the
said seizure, and alsoe severall of his Company
said and declared that they were Hollanders or
Subjects of the States of the United Netherland
Provinces, And that their said man of war was set
out, and the said seizure made by vertue of a Commission
from the said States, And otherwise hee cannot depose
saving that to his remembrance, it was on the thirteenth
or foureteenth day of May 1654: that the said seizure
was soe made.

To the 6th 6th and 7th articles hee saith that after such bringing
of the said ship into Cadiz with her said lading, the said
Edward harrison the master by meanes and endeavours there
used recovered the said shipp and some of her goods againe, but
severall of her goods and merchandizes were taken away and
embeazeld by the said takers, or were wanting and the said owners
deprived thereof by meanes of the said seizure, namely eleaven tonnes
and fourteene gallons of the said oile, which was worth
and would here have yeelded at such time as the said shipp would here
in all probabilitie have arived (if the said seizure and interuption had
not happened) fiftie pounds per tonne one tonne with another, and
after the rate for a lesse proportion, more one hundred fourtie wine
barrells of anchovas, which were worth and would [?then] alsoe have here