HCA 13/72 f.326r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.326r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


transported to this port of London and here to be delivered to them or their
order and for their account, The premisses hee knoweth
because hee was constituted master of the said shipp by the said proprietors
and went master of her the said voyage, and received the said goods aboard
for their account, and as master had the commande of the said shipp committed
unto him by the said owners, And otherwise hee cannot depose saving what followeth.

To the second third and fourth articles hee saith and deposeth that within the foresaid
time and more particularly on the thirteenth day of May
1654 (old stile) hee this deponent being in his course proceeding
with the said shipp and goods from f[?i]nall for this port, came neere the Streights
mouth, was there mett with by a dutch shipp commanded
by one Captaine Albert Cock, named or called the Golden dove
of twenty nine guns or thereabouts, and then and there the said
Captaine Cock and company in his said shipp the Golden dove set
upon, surprized and forcibly tooke the said shipp the Pa[?c]ket frigot
and all the foresaid goods that were as aforesaid laden aboard her
and by them the said shipp the Pa[?c]ket frigot and her said
lading were thence carried to Cadiz in Spaine, where this deponent
and company were by the said takers turned out of her, and the
said shipp and goods were possessed by the saiid Captaine
Cock and company.
All which hee knoweth being master as aforesaid and aboard [?the]
said shipp the Parker frigot at the time of the
said seizure, and carried to Cadiz in her, and there turned ashore
with his company by the said takers. And saith that being soe
disposest of his shipp and goods by the said Captaine Cock, and the
said Captaines refusing to show him any Commission for such seizure
this deponent neare Cadiz applied himselfe to the duke of M[?a]dina
who [?caused] the said Captaine to produce his Commission, and
show it in Court, and that in and by the said Commission it
appeared (as this deponent was informed by thise that saw and
understand it) that the said Captaine was thereby set out from
holland as a man of warr in a vessell called the Revenge, which
vessell hee loosing at sea (as it was there said and acknowledged by the
said Captaine himselfe) hee bought the said shipp the Golden dove at [?Saint XXXXs]
and carried his said Commission in her which hee had for the Revenge
And saith the said Captaine was (as hee and his company confessed)
a hollander, or other subiect of the States of the United Netherlands
and soe were most of his company, and soe commonly accounted
And that it was upon the said thirteenth day old stile of the
said moneth of May 1654 that the said seizure was made and
not before, which hee knoweth being master as aforesaid and
taking a note in writing of the day, and the said Captaine said
and acknowledged that hee soe tooke the Parker frigot and lading
by vertue of the said Commission. And further hee cannot depose.

To the fifth, sixth and seaventh articles hee saith and deposeth
that albeit the said shipp and some of her goods were after the premisses
restored by the authoritie of the duke of M[?a]dina, that there were
severall of her tackle and furniture and marchandizes embeazeld
and taken away by the said takers and by occasion of the said seizure
videlicet eleaven tonnes and an hundred fourtie nine [XXXXX] of the said oille[?s]
which were worth and would here have yeelded fiftie five pounds,
at such time as shee might have and could here have arived
if seized not bin soe interupted, as this deponent was afterwards