HCA 13/72 f.311v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.311v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to secure his shipp, and by that meanes accidentally ran her aground
about a myle or somewhat lesse from Shoare, And further to those
articles hee cannot depose/

To the 4th, 5th 6th 7th and 8th articles hee saith that the sayd shipp
being soe runne on ground the sayd Captaine Browne commanded
his whole Company to keepe aboard the hercules and oly their
gunnes and defend her soe longe as possible they could, and declared
that when hee could defend her noe longer hee would either fyer
her of bore holes in her and sinke her and then make to shoare in
the shipps boates but the arlate Peter S[XX]thing Robert
Evereard Martin Coxeman Paule Bayly Thomas Bumpstead
Thomas [?Werner] John Price Mathew Kilman Samuell Maior John
Rowland Richard Andrews John Barker Jeremy head Thomas
Abs, John M[XX?fer] Robert Catlin William Wilson
Edward Throgood and William Stokes and others of the sayd shipps
Company whose names hee remembreth not, in all to the number of
betwixt forty and fifty men not valueing or regarding the sayd
Captaines Commands deserted the sayd shipp and
the defence of her and betooke themselves to the long boate to goe on
shoare therein which the sayd Captaine seeing spake to them in presence
and hearing of this deponent and his Contests John Bishopp
John ffitzharper and others of the shipps Company and desyred them
with his Capp in hand to come aboard againe and helpe to defend the
shipp and sayd when shee could bee noe longer defended hee would then
sinke her or burne her and soe goe with them ashoare in the longe boate
and the other shipp boates or to theat effect but the persons aforesayd and all
that were soe gott into the long boate regarded not either his Commands
or entreaties but utterly deserted the sayd shipp and went away with
the long boate keaving the Captaine and this deponent and his contests
Mathew Sherley John Bishopp John fitzharbert and many others of
the sayd shipps Company aboard the sayd shipp by which meanes the
sayd Captaine and those left with him aboard (being more by three or
fower then the two smale boates belonging to the shipp could beare
ashoare) were deprived of the benefitt of their designe to
fyre or sinke the sayd shipp because thereby those who happened to bee left
aboard must necessarily perish and therefore the Captaine and they were [XXXX GUTTER]
alsoe to deserte the sayd shipp leaving the arlate Peter Thomas and one
Cpply and one or two more aboard because the two boates left being but small ones would not hold them
And soe the shipp and her gunnes tackle furniture and provisions be made
a prey to the dutch, who seized her and gott her off from ground and carried
her away with the men left in her to the great iniury and wronge of the