HCA 13/72 f.300v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.300v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well knoweth
that before and at such tyme as the arlate Cowse and Cowse tooke the
arlate Shipp the Golden ffortune to freight the arlate Jones was Master
and Commander of her and knoweth that the sayd Cowse and Cowse did
knowe soe much and accept of him as Master though the sayd Jones [?at]
such tyme as the sayd Cowse and Cowse hyred the sayd shipp did in the
presence of this deponent tell them that the sayd Jones was never
either at the Canaries or the Barbados the premisses hee the
better knoweth for that hee this deponent being a dutch man was by the
sayd Cowse and Cowse hyred to goe gunner of her the voyage in
question to the Canaries, and then at the Canaries to bee Master
of her the better to secure her tradeing there under the [notice GUTTER]
of a dutch shipp shee goeing and Comeing thence under dutch Colours
And further hee cannot depose./

To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
goeing the voyage in question under the qualities aforesayd did observe
that the arlate Morgan Jones was and is an able and expert seaman
and Master, and well fitt (as to his abilities) to take the charge of [XXXX]
of a shipp upon him, and further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 4th article hee saith that for that hee kept a Journall of the voyage
in question hee knoweth that the Golden ffortune arlate was not dispatched
at Garachaco by the ffactors of the sayd Cowse and Cowse untill the
three and twentith day of Aprill one thousand sixe hundred fifty seaven
upon which day the winde being West Northwest the sayd shipp sett
sayle thence bound for Palma, whether shee with great paines and
hazard attayned upon or about the twenty nynth day of that month and
not before, which soe happened partly for that extreamity of weather
did on the 24th of Aprill aforesayd drive and force the sayd shipp some
Leagues to the Leeward of Garacheeco, and partly by the unskillful=
nesse of one Gyles Bayley who was at London shipped by Mr R[XXX]
the sole Owner of the sayd shipp to goe Masters mate and pilott of
her the voyage in question, And further hee cannot depose/

To the 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith hee well
remembreth there were laden aboard the sayd shipp Golden ffortune of
Palma by the arlate don John da Moule Verde factor of the sayd
Cowse and Cowse, in all seaventy eight pipes of wynes, but how many
of them were laden for Account of the sayd Cowse and Cowse or whether
any of them were for the Accompt of any other persons hee knoweth
not And hee saith hee well knoweth that the sayd Morgan Jones
while hee was at Palma did sell and deliver to the sayd don John
da Monte Verda a great quantitie of hoopes, butter, cheese and
other things (amounting (as hee beleeveth) to nyne hundred and [XXXX]
Ryalls of plate) for which the sayd don John da Monte Verda
[?did GUTTER]