HCA 13/72 f.290r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.290r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the sayd shipp the Guift of Topsham and her tackle furniture and
provisions the first whereof was in the Court of Portugalott where the same
was adiudged and confiscated and the second upon an Appeale from the first
to the Chancellaria of Valiadolid And the third upon an Appeale thence to
the Councell in Madrid in which Courts the sayd depended in
all about a twelve moneths tyme next after the tyme of the sayd seizure
wherein there was spent of this deponents knowledge (who sawe a good
part thereof paid to one Mr ffrancklin an Englishman who did negotiate
and sollicite the sayd businesse on behalfe of the Agents of the sayd Pitt
and Company, and hath seene Accompts of the sayd ffrancklins for
payment of the rest) that there was spent by the Agents of the sayd Pitt
and Company in prosecution of the sayd three suites nynety pounds
sterling And further hee cannot depose

To the 6th hee saith that the sayd shipp the Guift of Topsham was
under seizure by the space of two or three moneths before shee was
discharged upon Caution and being soe discharged was forced to depart
from Bilboa dead freighted for that noe persons durst adventure to
lade any goods aboard her for feare of some new seizure to bee made
or other Incumbrances this hee the better knoweth for that hee this
deponent was imployed by his brother Gregory Westcombe aforesayd
to dispatch the sayd shipp and procure her passe over the port of Portu=
galott neere Bilboa by which meanes hee knoweth shee lost the
tonnage of the sayd tonnes of Iron which was dammage to
the Owners of the shipp forty pounds sterling at least in, in this deponents
Judgment and estimate who knoweth that the transportation of every
tonne of Iron from Bilboa to Topsham is ordinaryly (sic) twenty
shillings a tonne And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the 7th hee saith hee cannot depose not knowing the price of Iron
at Topsham the tyme arlate./

To the 8th hee saith that after the sayd shipp was discharged upon Caution
shee was new victualled and new rigged and divers mariners provided
to sayle her home which victualing cost fifteene pounds sterling or
thereabouts and her rigging the like some of like money or thereabouts
this hjee the better knoweth for that hee sawe most of the sayd money
paid, And saith hee sawe the advance money for mariners wages
and of those mariners who attended upon her during the tyme of her
seizure paid and well remembreth the same came to thirty pounds
all which (except the wages due to the mariners from the tyme of
their setting sayle upon their homewards voyage till their coming home
which must of necessitie have bin paid) might have bin saved if
the sayd shipp had not bin soe seized And further hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith that in his Judgment the arlate Pitt and company
by the sayd shipps soe lyeing as a hulke without imployment two or
three moneths after her seizure were damnified twenty pounds stereling