HCA 13/72 f.289r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.289r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith hee cannot more particulalry
answere to the contents thereof than in his foregoeing deposition he declared
nor remembring the particular summes spent in each suite nor the particular names
of the persons to whome it was paid but saith it was paid to the officers
of the Court where the suite depended./

To the 7th hee saith that for the reasons before declared noebody would
aventure to lade any goods aboard the sayd shipp though shee were cleered
by Caution given though the shipp as to her abilities might bee able to carrie
goods if any would habe ventured to lade them/

To 8th and 9th Interrogatories hee saith hee knoweth but of one seizure made
though there were severall searches made for the findeing of silver and silver
found aboard her at severall searches And further saving his foregeoing
deposition hee cannot more particulerly answere/

To the 10th hee saith it was about the moneth of January one thousand
sixe hundred fiftie fower (new style) that the rigging was bought for
the sayd shipp but the particulers or of whome bought hee remembreth
not and saith the particulars of the victualls were porke pease biskett, beveridge
and other necessaries but the quantities or of whome bought hee
remembreth not And further hee cannot answere./

To the 11th hee saith hee knoweth of noe seizure but one as before hee
hath declared and further hee cannot answere./

To the 12th hee saith that upon searches made by the Alcated of
Portugal[?e]tt aboard the sayd shipp in the months either of November
or december 1653 (in one of which moneths the sayd shipp and ladeing
were seized) there was severall summes of money found aboard the
sayd shipp which this deponent knoweth apperteyned to the Master
William Marr (sic) who carrid the same out of this deponents lodgeing at
Bilboa pretending to this deponent that hee would shipp it aboard
other shipps and not aboard of his owne shipp And further or
more particulerly then in his foregoeing deposition is declared hee
cannot answere./

To the 13 hee saith hee this deponent had noe share or parte or interest
in the sayd shipp or her ladeing the tyme Interrogate./

To the 14th hee saith hee neither was nor is any servant to or hath
any dependance upon any parties litigant save as one of their
factors or correspondents./

To 15th hee saith that the Master had at the tyme of the seizure of
the sayd shipp about sixe kintalls of Iron hoopes and had money and
other goods the particulers and quantities whereof hee knoweth not, all
which were seized and confiscate as apperteyning to the sayd William
Mayre the Master and nothing made of them And saith the sayd Master
of this deponents knowledge contributed nothing toward the maintenance
of the suites about the sayd shipp and ladeing nor about the new victualing
and rigging the sayd shipp nor toward seamens wages, but did deposit
soe much money as the Court valued his the sayd Mayers one fowerth
part of the sayd shipp at, in order to her cleereing which money
by him deposited was adiudged as confiscate by the Councell at Madrid