HCA 13/72 f.279r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 279 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/09/24 |
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London to the Port of the said Citie of Berghen in Norway
and from thence to returne with a Lading of Norway goods to this
said Port of London under this examinates Conduct according to the
orders and instructions which hee this examinate upon that voiage or
designe received of and from the said John Shorter as sole Owner
and Proprietor of the said shipp with her appurtenances, and soe
commonly reputed and esteemed both at the said Port and Citie
of Berghen, and alsoe at and in this City of London, More to this
Interrogatorie hee saith not/
To the Third Interrogatorie hee saith, That in or about the moneth of
March aforesaid the said John Shorter did Lade or cause to
be Laden in and on board the said shipp in this Port of London
the quantity of sixteene weighs of salt or thereabouts, fower
bales of woollen Cloath, one hundred fortie and two sacks of
malt, each sack conteyning fower bushells, one and twentie
hogsheads of strong beere, fower quarters of pease, fowerteene
Castor hatts, 12 whereof were in a Chest, and two in a hat Case
five baggs of nailes, and five baggs of hopps to be carried in the
said shipp to the said Port of Berghen, and there to be unladen
delivered and disposed of for the accompt and behoofe of
him the said John Shorter, as this deponent declareth that hee well
adnd assuredly knoweth as being Master of the said shipp for and
upon the said intended voiage, and having order and especiall
Command and direction of such the transport and delivery of
the said goods at the port or place and to and for the accompt
predeposed. More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not./:-
To the fowerth Interrogatorie hee saith, That about three weekes since,
the said shipp the Charity having in and on board her
the goods wares and merchandises predeposed to him the said Shorter appertaining togeather with
six basketts or frailes of figgs, two hundred pounds of Varinas
Tobacco, two bales, to witt one of Cloath, and another of Baies
two Chests of sweet-meates or Confections, three barrells of
Oatmeale, one barrell of fine wheate meale, six barrells of
wheate, a bagg of nailes, and some other small goods and merchan
=dises to him this examinate properly and solely belonging did sett saile
from this Port of London designed and intended for Berghen aforesaid
under the Conduct and Command of him this examinate. More to this
Interrogatorie this deponent saith not/:-
To the fifth Interrogatorie hee saith, That the said shipp the Charity
being as aforesaid under the Command and Conduct of this examinate
and proceeding with her said Lading from this Port of London
towards Berghen aforesaid was betweene Gravesend and
Tilbury hope violently and forcibly surprized and seized about three weekes since
by a private man of warr under the Command of one Captaine