HCA 13/72 f.278r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.278r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


brought to a place called Ashfordnesse upon the Coast of
England, the said captaine and Companie pretending and
giving out that they made the said seizure by vertue of a
Swedish Commission or to that effect, as this deponent at the
time of the said seizure and afterwards heard and well
remembreth More to this Interrogatorie he saith not/:-

To the sixth Interrogatorie hee saith, That the Commander of
the said man of warr and eleaven of his Companie did
at the time of the said seizure forcibly and violently enter
the said shipp Charitie, and kept close and secured the
Companie thereof threatening with pistolls and Cutlases
to kill them or cutt their throats if they made any stirr
or Complaint, or to that effect, as this deponent well knoweth and
remembreth being himself a fellow sufferer in the said
seizure and by the carriage of the seizors aforesaid. More to this
Interrogatorie hee saith not/

To the seaventh Interrogatorie hee saith, That the said Captaine
and Companie who made the said seizure having by force
and violence brought the said shipp Charity togeather
with her said Ladeing and Companie to Alfordnesse aforesaid
did there sett this deponent and three of his Companions on
shoare, and sailed away the said shipp and Lading carrying
with them the Master and Masters mate and one boy
of and belonging to the said shipp Charity, but this deponent
during such his restraint in and on board the said shipp
did not, as hee saith, observe any plunder or imbeazelment
by the said seizors committed upon the said shipps lading
save onely of one barrell and of one tunn of beere
togeather with the beere which the said seizors in that
time consumed and spent in and on board the said shipp.
More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not./

To the Last hee saith hee doeth not know nor can
upon any just grounds of beleefe conceive, whether or
how the said seizors have since brought or disposed of
the said shipp the Charity and her Lading

Repeated with his precontests
before doctor Godolphin