HCA 13/72 f.276v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.276v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and by meanes of this deponents said relation unto the said shipp by
this deponent is well assured, That the said shipp was really designed
to take her Course with her said Lading Directly from this Port
of London to Berghen aforesaid, and that proceeding upon the said
Voiage and being below Gravesend and betweene that place and
Tilbury=hope she was forcibly and violently seized upon by a
little Vessell or private man or warr under the Command
of one Captaine Garrett, (as the Companie of the said
mann of warr affirmed their Commanders name to be) and was by
the said Captaine and Company forcibly conducted to a place
upon the English Coast called Aldfordnesse, the said
Captaine and severall of his Companie in this deponents hearing
affirming, that they made the said seizure by Vertue of a
Commission of or from the king of Sweden, against the Subjects
of the king of denmark, their shipps and goods, or to that
or the Like effect. More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not/:-

To the sixth Interrogatorie hee saith That the said Captaine soe called
by the name of Captaine Garnett att the time of the said
seizure did putt on board the said shipp Charity eleaven men
of his Companie besides himselfe, who did immediately upon
the said seizure force this deponent and Company below into the
said shipp and there kept them under close restraint, not permitting
them to come upon the decks but by one or two at a time, and keeping
them all close, when any shipp came within sight, and some of
the said Captaines Companie soe sett on board as aforesaid having
pistolls ready charged sometimes in their pocketts and sometimes
in their hands, and Cutlases sometimes by their sides and
sometimes ready drawne menaced to kill or cutt the throats of
this deponent and the said shipps Companie if they made any stirr
or Complaint, or used expressions to that or the like effect
which this deponent well understood, and hath great reason
to remember as being a fellow sufferer in and of the base and
barbarous carriages of the said seizors More to this Interrogatorie
hee this deponent saith not./

To the seaventh Interrogatorie hee saith, That the said Captaine and
Company having brought the said shipp Charity her ladeing
and shipps Companie to Alfordnesse aforesaid did there
sett this deponent his precontest and two others of the said
shipps Companie on shoare, and did thence carry away,
the said shipp and Lading togeather with the said shipps
Master and Masters mate, and that during such this
deponents restraint as a foresaid, the said seizors or some of them