HCA 13/72 f.249r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.249r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee cannot depose/

To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith the arlate shipp the Trades
Increase departed from the Barbados with her ladeing there receaved on board
her on the fowerteeneth day of July 1657 and arrived in the port of London
about the latter end of September or beginning of October next following
this hee knoweth for that hee came at the same tyme from the Barbados
in a shipp called the Golden ffortune in Company with the Trades Increase
but lost her company at sea about a weeke after her coming from the Barbados and sawe her againe after her coming
to London
And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 3 hee cannot depose/

To the 4th hee saith hee cannot depose for that hee knoweth not what sugars
were laden aboard the Trades Increase at the Barbados for Accompt of
the arlate Cole hull Willett and Ceeley, neither as to their quantitie nor

To the 5th for the reasons aforesayd hee cannot depose/

To the 6th article hee saith that in the moneths of May June and
July 1657 and while the ship the Trades laye at the Barbados the voyage
in question takeing in her homeward ladeing there, shee was of this deponents
sight and knowledge who was severall tymes aboard her and laded
some goods aboard her which were brought in her for England, and intended
to have come to England in her himselfe) very leakie, in soe much that
while the sayd shipp was in ladeing and when shee had taken in most part of her ladeing
her company were fanie (sic) to romage her ladeing and carrie much of it
foreward to raise her behinde the better to come at her leakes which
were abaft, to stopp them, and thus they did twice while shee laye soe at
the Barbados which notwithstanding the sayd shipp continued
leakie still, and this deponent observeing the same, did (although hee
had goods in her and intended in person to have come a passenger in her for
England) shipp him selfe a passenger in the Golden ffortune aforesayd
not being willing to adventure his person in the Trades Increase by
reason of her leakinesse although the arlate Treworgie the Master of her
and his Company did at the Barbados give out that they had stopped her
leakes and that shee was tight and strong, And further hee cannot depose
saving hee saith that at the sayd tyme of the Trades Increase soe being at
the Barbados, freight was then there very deere, and shipps scarce to be
had, in soemuch that freight was then almost double to the usuall rate/

To the 7th saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose

To the 8th hee saith that the Trades Increase and the Golden ffortune of London and
the Charity of Bristoll and noe other shipps came out from the Barbados in Company
together, and that about a weeke after their comeing thence they lost the Company
of the Trades Increase at sea, but the Golden ffortune and Charity kept company together
till they came to dover and had noe stormie weather in their passage
whereby to cause any dammage to any of the goods aboard them nor was their


Primary sources

POSSIBLY CONNECTED PROB 11/409/116 Will of Richard Leader, Merchant being bound beyond the Seas of City of London. 29 February 1692