HCA 13/72 f.239v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 239 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4806.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/09/16 |
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shipp the Nicholas with all her goods wares and Merchandizes aboard her were
seized by the Maidston ffrigott (a shipp in the imediate service of this Commonwealth
whereof the arlate Captaine Adams was Commander) which ffrigott att the tyme of
such her seizeing the Nicholas did beare the English Colours And further to this article
hee cannot depose./
To the second article of the sayd allegation hee saith that being one of the Company of the
Nicholas and on board her hee knoweth that before shee was seized and subdued the
arlate Claes Johnson Captaine of the Nicholas and Company were haled by the foresayd Captaine Adams
Commander of the sayd ffrigott and asked whense they came, and the sayd Claes
Johnson him selfe answered and sayd from Curraso, (which is a place in the West
Indoes in possession of the States of the United Netherlands) which this deponent knoweth
was false for that he well knoweth shee came from Santo domingo in hispaniola [?whence GUTTER]
this deponent came in her, and saith that the sayd Claes being Commmanded to come
aboard the Maydeston ffrigott did refuse to goe, pretending that his boate would
not holX the hoysteing over and the sayd Claes saying soe in broken English this deponent spake in English and told them [XXXXX] the sayd [XXXX XXXX XXX] caused his Ports to be opemed and put him[selfe GUTTER]
and Company in a posture for fighting, but afterwards when the ffrigott
came up close, ready provided to fall upon the sayd shipp the Nicholas and fight
her, the sayd Claes called out to the Company of the ffrigott and told them that
if they would hoiste out their boate hee would come aboard the ffrigott in that, and
they hoiseting out their boate, hee went aboard therein, and being aboard the ffrigott
this boate was sent back to fetch this deponent and saith hee heard some of the Nicholas
her company who were wounded, and afterwards healed by the Chirurgion of the
Maydstone ffrigott, saye, that Bernard Johnson the Master of the Nicholas and brother
of the sayd Claes Johnson the Captaine and Commander of her, did stabb and wound
them soe, because they refused to fight, And further to this article hee cannot depose
To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith for that hee was one of the
Company of the Nicholas at her seizure and came in her from Santo domingo hee
knoweth that shee came thense and there tooke in all her goods and ladeing [XXXX GUTTER]
her, which goods hee saith hee well knoweth were are there laden by Spaniards except a parcell of Cackowe which was laded by and belonged to one Charles a dutch man and [XXXX GUTTER]
were to be transported thence to Cadiz to which [lace the sayd shipp was in her
course when shee was seized And her ladeing was (as hee verily beleeveth)
all except the sayd Cackowe and peeces of eight and plate belonging to this deponent) consigned to Subiects of the King of Spaine, and belonged as gee beleeveth
to Spaniards And further to this article hee cannot depose/
deponent wherein were
three hundred peeces of eight,
and a peece of plate worth
sixty peeces of eight or
To the 4th hee saith hee hath heard Claes Johnson aforesayd and Bernard
Johnson his brother who is the same person that endeavoureth the recovery of the
sayd shipp Nicholas severall tymes saye that the sayd shipp Nicholas did belonge to Cadiz
in Spaine and that her owners were Inhabitants of Cadiz and hee alsoe heard
one of the Company of the sayd shipp who as hee sayd came from Cadiz
in her to Santo domingo saye that the sayd shipp belonged to his uncle who was an
Inhabitant of Cadiz And hee hath alsoe heard the sayd Claes Johnson and Bernard
Johnson saye that they were first made the one videlicet the sayd Claes Captaine or Com=
mander of her and the sayd Bernard Johnson Master of her in Spaine And further
saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose./
To the 5th 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
within the tyme arlate was in the arlate shipp the John whereof the arlate [XXXX GUTTER]
Gard was Master and was goeing in her from the Island of [?Terhudas] arlate [XX GUTTER]