HCA 13/72 f.238r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.238r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sayd Jordaine Quarter Master, and the sayd dennise hayes and Constance foremast
men of the arlate shipp the Peter of Bristoll aforesayd this hee the better knoweth
for that hee was at the Barbadoes Master of a shipp called the Edward of Bristoll
at the same tyme the sayd voyage when the Peter of Bristoll was there and
soe sawe and knew them serve in the sayd shipp in those places or qualitities. And further to
this article hee cannot depose./

To the 2 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee hath gone
Master of shipp severall voyages to the Barbados and other parts from Bristoll
and hath gone Mate of shipps from thence to the Barbados and other ports any tyme these
seaven yeares next before such his goeing Master and hath used the sea as a Mariner
for these twenty yeares last and upward and thereby knoweth that the wages
ordinarily given and allowed by Marchants Masters Owners and Imployers
of shipps for a voyage from Bristoll of any other parts of England to Rochell
and other parts of ffrance and thense to the Barbados and thense to Bristoll or other
parts of England againe for persons serving in any shipp in the qualities and
Capacities and places as the sayd hammond, hamersely Williams Jordaine
denne haies and Constance did in the Peter of Bristoll the voyage in question
are, as followeth for a mates wages per moneth forty shillings at the least
and many tymes fiftie shillings a moneth and accordingly for a lesser tyme
than a moneth and for a Chirurgion forty shillings a moneth at the least
And for a Carpenter fifty shillings a moneth at the least and or a
Quartermaster twenty sixe shillings at least and for foremast men that are able seamen such as this deponent knoweth the foremast men of the [XXXX] aforesayd [?are] five
or sixe and twenty shillings a man per moneth, and after that rate this
deponent since hee hath bin Master hath paid to Officers and Mariners for the
like voyages and hath reaceaved after that rate for many the like voyages when hee
served as Masters Mate, and as a foremast man and knoweth that the monethly rates arlate
have bin for these twenty yeares last past usually paid for the like voyages as
is arlate to persons serving in the places and qualities arlate And further to
this article hee cannot depose./

To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith That hee this deponent being a
Master of a shipp belonging to Bristoll well knoweth that five pounds a moneth
wages for a Master of a shipp for a voyage from Bristoll or any other part of
England to any parts of ffrance and thense to the Barbathos or any other parts of the
West Indies and back to England is a common and usuall rate and allowance
payd by Marchants and freighters and imployers of shipps and hee this deponent
hath receaved soe much per moneth for the like voyages and knowne other Masters
allowed the like wages for such voyages And such rates have bin usually paid to Masters ever since hee this deponent used the sea as a mariner And further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true/

Christopher Stribling [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day

Examined on the sayd allegation