HCA 13/72 f.235r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 235 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 22/09/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4797.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
13/09/22 | |
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Edited on 27/03/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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like in effect take them aboard, and in case they came to any
casualty either by stresse of weather, or by being sett upon by
enymiyes soe that yow bee forced to heave them over board, I will
stand to the losse and dammage of it, upon which consideration and
noe other the sayd croford at the sayd Bellingers entreaty
caused the tackle to be put over and the sayd eight hogsheads of sugar
to be hoysed aboard the sayd shipp where they were stowed betweene
decks abaft the mast, the hatch way being before filled up with the
shipps provision of water and other provisions and some fustick
Cotton and sugar this hee knoweth for that hee helped
to lower downe the sayd hogsheads betweene decks where they were stowed
and sawe them there stowed some of them being stowed under this deponents Cabin
And further to these articles hee cannot depose/
To the 6th 7th and 8th articles hee saith that the sayd hogsheads being
by the importunitie of the sayd Bellinger (and upon such his promise
to beare the losse and dammage of them if there were necessitie to heave
them over board through fowle weather or to make use of their gunnes
against enymyes) taken and stowed aboard the sayd shipp, shee sett
sayle therwith from the Barbados bound for England, and in her
course thitherward mett with a hurricane or extreame tempest
which begain upon Christmas Eve one thousand six hundred fifty
sixe and continued three or fower dates togeather with that violence
that the seas brake over the shipp soe forcibly that it splitt the longe
boate as it lay upon the deck and washed this deponent and others
who were at the pumpe from it as farr as to the Cooke roome door,
so that they had much a doe to save them selves from being washed
over board and the Master and Company were in greate feare that the shipp and
her ladeing and Company would sinke and perish in the sea though her
company wrought hard with two pumpes and did their uttmost
endeavour to preserve her whereupon it was upon serious consideration
resolved by the Master and his three Mates and others of the shipps
Company that the shipp must be lightned, and some of her ladeing
Cast over board for preservation of the rest, whereupon the sayd
eight hogsheads of sugar being neerest hand and lyeing most troublesome
of any goods they were throwne over board to make roome to come
at the hatch way and to come at other goods which were alsoe throwne ober
board from betweene decks to lighten the shipp, all which was done out of absolute necessity
for the preservation of the shipp and the rest of her ladeing and the lives of her
Company and passengers And hee this deponent verily beleeveth that
had not the sayd Bellinger promised the Master and Company as aforesayd
that hee would beare all losse and dammage hapening to the sayd sugar either by meanes of storme
or enymyes as aforesayd, the sayd Master and Company would not have receaved
the sayd eight hogsheads of sugar aboard And further hee cannot depose/
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie the danger of periury being declared unto him hee saith hee as one of the Company of the shipp Gilbert the