HCA 13/72 f.231r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.231r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


(hee this deponent being the clarke of the sayd office who maketh
Entries of the names of all shipps that desyre ballast of the officers
of the sayd office according as by the sayd patent they ought to doe
and of the quantities of ballast they are to have and the place
where the shipps desyring it ride and at what tymes they desyre to have the
same brought aboard them) well knoweth (having diligently
perused his bookes of entries before this his examination) that
Claes Johnson the Master of the shipp the hope of fflushing in this
pettion named did not nor any other for him make any entrie of
his sayd shipp or the place where shee lay or quantitie of ballast shee
desyred, as is usuall for Masters of shipps to doe And further hee
cannot depose for that his office os only to make enteries as aforesayd/

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth of
his knowledge being soe required to doe by the producents and saith
hee is a clarke of the entereis made in the sayd Office and is to have
an annuall stipend for the same which stipend is not yet agreed upon soe that
hee knoweth not what it will bee, and saith it will bee neither profitt
nor preiudice to this deponent that hee knoweth of whether the producents
prevaile or be overthrowne in this cause And further hee cannot answere

To the 2 hee knoweth neither Claes Johnson nor the shipp Interrogate nor
ever sawe either of them that hee knoweth of and therefore cannot
answere to this Interrogatorie./

To the third hee saith hee hath saisfied the contents thereof in his foregeoing
deposition soe farr as hee cann saving hee addeth thereto that hee was present
and sawe papers sett up to the effect aforesayd at the Exchange and
Customehouse and Billingsgate and did imploye other persons to
cause others to bee sett up in other places./

To the 4th it conceneth him not neither can hee answere thereto/

To the 5th and 6th hee cannot answere, not knowing any thing touching the contents
of them./

To the last hee saith hee never wrought for any person whatsoever in
takeing up of ballast in the River of Thames And saith that the sayd
Bourman Lodington Clarke and Williams doe take for Ballast of Collyers
Tenn pence a tonne, of other English Merchants twelve pence a tonne, and of
all strangers sixteene pence a tonne, and what the price of ballast a tonne
was before the graunt of the Patent aforesayd hee knoweth not And further
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere./.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin the 18th
of January 1657/