HCA 13/72 f.230r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 230 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/09/16 |
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as lowe as Ratcliff Crosse that thereby Masters of shipps and such
as ought to yeild obsedience thereto might take notice thereof, and the
officers imployed by the sayd grauntees (whereof this deponent is one)
did prepare and had prepared in a readinesse great store of good
ballast which was kept in lighters ready for such as had occasion to
use the same which notwithstanding Claes Johnson Master of the
hope of fflushing and his Company did after publication made to
the effect aforesayd take in ballast in the
moneth of November last upon the twenty sixth day thereof of other persons
and not of the sayd Grauntees and their officers although this deponent
and his precontest William Taylor did on the sayd 26th day of November
come to the sayd shipp the hope then lyeing at Colonell Prides Key neere
the hermitage while her company was soe takeing in ballast of other
men and admonished them to forbeare takeing in ballast of any but
the officers imployed by the Grauntees of the sayd office for ballasting
of shipps, and told them that if they did otherwise their shipp would
bee arrested and their Master questioned for the same, but the Company
of the sayd shipp slighted and contemned such monition and sayd they
would goe on with takeing in their ballast whoch their Master had
provided for them or words to that effect and soe accordingly did proceede and tooke in to
the quantitie (as hee beleeveth) of about forty tonne of ballast to the
manifest breach and contempt of the Pattent graunted to the sayd
Lodington and the rest of the Pattentees for ballasting of shipps, and
to their dammage to the valuew of fifty three shillings fower pence stereling or
thereabouts the brates for ballast for fforaigners shipps (as the hope was)
being sixteene pence a Tonne the premisses hee deposeth for the reasons
aforesayd And further hee cannot depose but referreth him selfe to the
Registry of this Court as touching what orders have bin aunciently
made by this Court commanding the obedience of Masters of shipps
touching takeing in of Ballast of the then Patentees for the same/
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth being soe
required by the producents and saith whether they prevaile or not in
this cause it will bee neither profitt nor preiudice to him hee having only
an annual salary from them as an Officer by them appointed to see ballast put
aboard shipps and take notice to how many tonnes the same amounteth to
but what that salary will amount to hee knoweth not as yet And further
hee cannot answere./
To the 2 3 and 4th Interrogatories hee saith hee knoweth the Interrogate shipp the hope of
fflushing and saith shee is a vessell of the burthen of betwixt threescore and
fourescore tonnes according to his estimate and Judgment and that hee sawe
her only two or three tymes and that in the month of November last at all which tymes shee lay at Colonell Prides
Key neere the hermitage and stayed not longe either in her or by her her
coming with his precontest William Tayler to admonish the sayd shipps
company not to take ballast of any but the officers of the sayd Patentees, and
shee having then a lighter by her side with sand ballast, was then takeing in the same