HCA 13/72 f.229r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 229 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/09/21 |
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provided Ballast in a readinesse according to their duty yet
the sayd Claes Johnson and his Company did refuse to take in ballast
into their shipp from the sayd Lidington Bourman Clarke and Williams
the Grantees aforesayd or their officers and Ministers and tooke in ballast
to the quantitie of forty tonnes or thereabouts (as hee beleeveth) of others without
any authority from the sauyd Grantees of the office for ballasting shipps to
the dammage of the sayd Granntees Liddington Bourman Clarke and Willims
to the value of fiftie three shillings fower pence stereling or thereabouts
and to the manifest breach of the graunte made to the said Grauntees
for ballasting of shipps which ballast the sayd Claes Johnson or his Company
soe tooke aboard his sayd shipp the hope in the moneth of November last
and about the twenty sixth daye thereof although the Company of the sayd Johnson
were spoken unto not to take in the same but take their ballast of
the officers of the sayd Grauntees as they ought to doe This hee knoweth
being one of the Officers of the sayd Grauntees and one of those that gave
notice to the sayd Johnson scompany to the effect aforesayd And further
referring him selfe to the Registry of this Court hee cannot depose/
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth in this
cause being soe required to doe by the producents and saith hee is an
offier imployed by the Interrogate Bournamn Liddington and other Grauntees
aforesayd to view the lighters which carrie Ballast by order of the says
Grauntees aboard any shipps and take notice what quantitie they carrie and
to what shipps they carry it, for which hee is to have a weekely allowance
but what the same is as yet hee knoweth not And further hee cannot answere
otherwise than negatively/
To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith hee knoweth the Interrogated shipp the hope of fflushing and
hath knowne her for about these twelve moneths last past or thereabouts shee having
made severall voyages to this Port of London since the peace betwixt England and
the Netherlands and hee sawe her lying severall tymes in the River of Thames and
sawe her last lying neere the hermitage at Colonell Prides Key and saith
shee is a Pinke or vessell of about fourescore tonnes and hath bin in her twice
videlicet once on the twenty sixth of November last when shee was takeing in ballast
and a second tyme about a day or two after, shee lyeing both those tymes at the
sayd Collonel Prides Key, and saith hee did not stay longe, but only to acquainte
the Company of her that they ought not to take in ballast of any but the
officers imployed by the sayd Grauntees whereto the Company anwered that
they cared not for that, for they had order to doe what they did
touching the takeing in of ballast And further hee cannot answere/
To the 3 hee saith that hee well knoweth and sawe that publication was made
to the effect Interrogate by printed papers sett up at the Exchange, and at the Custome
house and in at least forty pleaces betweene Tower wharfe and Ratcliffe
Crosse, and hee this deponent sett up two and thirty of those forty with
his owne hands./
To the 4th hee saith that on the sayd 26th of November last while this deponent
was speakeing to the Company of the hope and forbidding them to take in ballast of
any but the officers imployed by the sayd Grauntees there laye a lighter by the
hopes side with ballast and the company was then takeing the same in it being drye