HCA 13/72 f.215v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.215v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


That the said shipp in her late homewards voyage from Surat for
this port of London, coming to the East of and neere Cap Bone
Esperance there happened many violent stormes and tempests of winde [?and GUTTER]
weather which continewed from the twelvth of Aprill last to the twelveth
of May last past, with which stormes and tempests the said shipp and
her ladeing were [XXXX]prized, and soe shee was with diverse other
stormes and tempests which afterwards befell her and in particular on the
fourth day of december now last past shee was taken with another
greate storme, and theysay that by meanes of the said respective
stormes the said shipp tooke in and shipped much water, whereby
probably the goods in the said shipp may have received dammage, And
they further depose that if any dammage hath befallen any of the said
shipps lading, they since came and happened mearly by meanes and
occasion of the said stormes and tempests and not by any defects in the
shipp or default of or in the master or any of the company. And
this affidavit they make by way of provision and to satisfie their
marchants before any bulke broken, not well knowing whether [XXX GUTTER]
dammage hath befallen the goods or any of them or not.

Richard: Harris [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 9th of January 1657.

Affidavit touching the}
Joseph and


Barnaby Paine of Wapping Mariner, master of the good shipp
the Joseph and Jessent of London, aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts,
Tristram kirton of Limehouse Mariner Masters Mate of the said
shipp aged 40 yeares or thereabouts, and William higgs of
Shadwell, Carpenter of the said shipp, aged 21 yeares or thereabouts sworne before the
right Worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawes one
of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie sayth and
deposeth respectively by vertue of their oathes.

That on Satturday the 21th of November last past theise deponents with the
rest of the said shipps company set saile with her from the Iland of M[XXXX GUTTER]
[?India] for the most part with wines and suckets bound directly for this port
of London, And that in the said shipps course of proceeding comming about
twenty leagues to the westward of the Iles of Scilly namely on Satturday
the fifth of december last past there aropse and happened a furious and
[?violent] storme, the winde blowing stiffly at East North East, by [XXX GUTTER]
meanes whereof theise deponents and company, not being able to lye
with the said shipp by the T[XXXXde], were inforced for severall houres time
to saile back before the d[XXXX] to the Westwards. which storme