HCA 13/72 f.207v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.207v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that upon the fifth of June last
after the sayd Cardis his sayd Pinke and Potash of Leghorne was come to the sayd
Spanish men of war the sayd Cardis sett sayle into the port of Bickery aforesaid
and led in the sayd five Spanish vessels with him and they came all seaven up togeather
on the sayd fifth day of June last and sett upon and fought with the Eastland
Merchant and the sayd Cardis and his Company with his Pinke and Potash of Leghorne
was as active and in deede more active in the fight against the Eastland
Merchant than the Spanish men of war were, and did with his sayd Pinke and
Potash give many broad sides to the Eastland Merchant And shee made what
resistance shee possible could against all seaven of them and continued the fight
against them all until the night that day, and in the morning of the next day until
about ten a clock in the morning, and then being over powered by them
shee and her lading (which was of great value) togeather with the Cloathes
instruments and Adventures of her Master and Company became a prey to the
sayd Cardis and the sayd Spanish men of war who seized and tooke them And
further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 4 article hee saith that hee well knoweth that the Eastland Merchant at such
her seizure was two hundred and threescore tonnes at the least, for hee knoweth
that shee brought in former voyages (wherein hee was alsoe one of her Company)
three hundred tonne of Corne from Tunis to Leghorne And hee knoweth shee
was well at her seizure a stronge tight and able ship and had twenty gunnes and
had two suites of new sayles and was well furnished with all manner of
tackleing and provisions fitting for her for a Streights voyage which shee
was then upon And in his this deponents Judgment and estimate shee and
her tackle and furniture and provisions aboard and her gunnes were well worth at
their seizure fower thousand one hundred pounds sterling And hee alsoe saith
hee well remembreth that there were aboard her at her seizure three thousand three
hundred fifty seaven hydes of all sorts Buffaloes and Cowe hydes, which were
of considerable value but what to estimate them at hee knoweth not, And alsoe
two bales of broad Cloath, and ten bales of linen cloath and Cammells
hayre, and two sacks of Sena, and twenty pigs of lead, but what to value
them at hee knoweth not And hee alsoe knoweth that at her seizure there were
aboard her many sacks of flaxe and many chests of Incense but the
number of them or their value hee knoweth not all which were lost by reason of
the seizure aforesaid The premises hee deposeth for that hee helped to stowe all
the sayd goods and further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 5 article hee saith the arlate Captaine Payne Commander of the Eastland
Merchant had aboard her at her seizure plae Apparrell and Instruments
to a very considerable value and alsoe ready money and Adventures for him
selfe and servants, and servants cloathes to a good value but what to estimate them
at hee knoweth not And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 6th article and the schedule therein specified hee saith the sayd schedule
doth contain a true list of the mariners names that were in and belonging to the
Eastland Merchant at her seizure and knoweth that the losses of him this deponent (the
same Robert Masters in the sayd schedule named) doth really amount unto the summe of [XXXX GUTTER]
one pounds five shillings sterling (as they are sett downe in the sayd schedule) and [?rather GUTTER]
more then lesse And verily beleeveth the sayd schedule dothe contayne the particul[er and GUUTER]
([?true GUTTER]