HCA 13/72 f.206v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.206v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first article hee saith hee this deponent was Gunner of the Eastland Merchant the
voyage in question and knoweth that the arlate Smithier Rivelt and Tayler and one Mr Morley
and Mr Talbolt and others all English men and subiects of this Commonwealth were the true and
lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the sayd ship the Eastland Merchant and of
her tackle apparel and furniture the Monethes and tyme articulate and for such commonly

To the second article hee saith hee being Gunner aboard her as aforesaid knoweth that the
Eastland Merchant in the moneth of June one thousand sixe hundred fifty seaven
was and remained in the Port of Bickery arlate and saith that while shee soe lay there
upon the fifth day of the sayd moneth five Spanish men of war laye without the
Island of Bickery intending (as afterwards appeared) to seize and take the Eastland
Marchant and a ffrench ship which lay alsoe in harbour and this deponent sawe one of the Spanish men of war attempt to get
into harbour but not being acquainted with the harbour found scantnesse of water
soe that hee struck upon ground and thereupon put back to sea and came to Anchor with the
rest of the Spanish vessels upon the sayd fifth day of June last without the Island
and after they had layne there a while the arlate Captaine Cardis with a Pinke
and Potash of Leghorne whereof hee was Commander came to the sayd
Spanish vessels but what discourse or words passed betwixt him and the sayd
Spanish men of war hee knoweth not for that hee was aboard the Eastland Mer=
chant then And therefore cannot further depose to this article./

To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the sayd Cardis being come
with his sayd Pinke and Potash of Leghorne unto the sayd Spanish men of
war they amongst them manned out a boate to sound the depth of the water
which this deponent and the rest of the Eastland Merchants company perceiveing
hee this deponent made a shott at the sayd boate to hinder her from soe doeing whereupon shee returned to the
Shipps againe and then the sayd Cardis with his sayd Pinke and Potash of Leghorne
sayled into the Port of Bickery and led in the five Spanish vessels, and they being
all got into the roade they came all up togeather and all of them sett upon
and fought with the Eastland Merchent and the sayd Cardis from his sayd
Pinke and Potash fyred several gunnes and gave severall broade sides
against the Eastland Merchant and was very active both on the sayd fifth day
and alsoe on the sixth day of June last and was rather more active and violent against
her then the Spaniards were, And the Eastland Merchant made what resistance
shee could and fought with them the sayd fifth day till night, and the sixth day till about
ten o clock in the forenoone when shee being overpowered by the sayd Cardis
and his Company pf the sayd Pinke and Potash and by the Spanish men of war, shee
was by them at length seized and taken togeather with her ladeing whch was
of great value, which by that meanes was all lost togeather with the Cloathes and
Adventures and instruments of the Master and Mariners And further to this
article hee canot depose/

To the 4th article hee saith heee knoweth that the Eastland Merchant at such her
seizure had twenty gunnes and was well provided with all sort of provisions and
necessaries fit for a voyage and was an able new strong ship of the burthen of two
hundred and fifty tonnes and upwards And in his this deponents Judgment
shee and her gunnes tackle furniture and provisions at such her seizure were
well worth fower thousand and fifty pounds English money And hee
alsoe saith that there were of his knowledge aboard the sayd ship at her seizure
two bales of Broad cloath and twenty pigs of leade and two sacks of
sena but what to value them at hee knoweth not And saith there were alsoe at the