HCA 13/72 f.204v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 204 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 24/12/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4736.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/12/24 | |
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Created 28/04/13, by CSG |
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of war tooke a smale French vessel at Sea by whose company they were
given to understand that the Eastland Marchant was in the Port of Bickery and
also a ffrench vessel, whereupon the sayd Spanish man of war togeather with an other French ship
which they had surprized in the port of Celinas in the Isle of Cyprus and had
manned with Spaniards and made a fifty man of war of, before they tooke the smale
French vessel aforesaid at sea) made for the port of Bickery intending there
to surprise and take the sayd Eastland Marchant and the ffrench ship which they had
intelligence was there, and in order thereto the Vice Admirall of the Spaniards [?e]ntending
to goe into port and lay them aboard found scarcitie of water and soe returned and hee
with the rest came to an Anchor without the Command of the fforte of Bickery
and while the sayd Spaniards were in Consultation how they might get into port
and surprize the sayd two shipps the arlate Cardis with a Pinke and Polash of
Ligorne came to the sayd Port of Bickery and neere to the sayd Spanish
men of war and had conference with them in the Italian tongue (which this deponent
can speake and well understandeth) and the sayd Cardis or some of his Company asked the sayd Spanairds
what they intended to doe that they did not goe in, and surprise the sayd
two shipps whereto the Spaniards answered in the lingua franck (which this
deponent also well understandeth and can speake) that they had attempted to goe in but
wanted water, whereupon the sayd Cardis or some of his Company answered
and sayd that they would finde water enough And thereupon the Spaniards replyed
and sayd what have you (meaning the sayd Cardis and his Company) to doe to
meddle with those shipps being English and ffrench who are your friends,
will you make a war with them whereto the sayd Cardis or some of his
Company repled and sayd noe matter bee they English ffrench or devells
or who they will wee (meaning himself and Company) intende to bee first in board them for why, they have
Turkes goods aboard and thereupon the Spanish men of war presently
weighed Anchor and followed the sayd Cardis and his Pinke and Polash into
the port of Bickery aforesaid and thereupon this deponent and the sayd John Cozens
and some others of the Company of the Anne Pearcie aforesaid who were prisoners on
board the Admirall of the Spaniards were put downe in hold with a guard over them
soe that this deponent cannot of his certaine knowledge depose any thing
touching the fight betwixt the Ligorneses and Spanish with the Eastland Merchant
and the sayd ffrench ship there in harbour, saving hee saith the fight being over,
upon the same day being the sixth of June last hee sawe the Company of the sayd Cardis
carry aboard the sayd Cardis his Pinke some chests of Incense and
an Anchor with some tackling which they brought from on board the Eastland
Marchant, And further to those articles hee cannot depose/
To the 9th article hee saith that by reason hee was in Company with the Eastland
Marchant and went out of England in the Anne Pearcie in Company of
her and continued in her company till such tyme as the Anne Pearcie was
fyred as aforesaid hee knoweth that shee was a good able strong ship and of
the burthen of two hundred and fifty tonnes or thereabouts and had gunnes, but how
many hee remembreth not and what to value her and her gunnes and provisions at
hee knoweth not nor knoweth the particulers or quantitiesof her ladeing
only hee sawe some Incense brought from aboard her as aforesaid And further
hee cannot depose./
To the 5th hee cannot depose. saving his foregoeing deposition/
To the 6th and the schedule therein mentioned hee saith hee cannot depose saving
his foregoeing deposition
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true And further cannot depose/
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
Peeter Woollcocke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]