HCA 13/72 f.199r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.199r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first Interrogatorie hee saith he came to be a wittnesse in this cause
being soe required by Daniell Rossell and Thomas Gwyn two of the producents who
desyred this deponent to speake the truth therein And saith hee hath neither
receaved nor is promised any thing for his testimony in this cause nor hath
contributed or is to contribute ought towards the charge thereof nor hath subscribed
to any information or petition against the sayd Ellis for favor as hee remembreth And
further hee cannot answere/

To the second hee saith that it is about a hundred yards betwixt Saint Katherines
stayers and the dock and that the sayd Ellis hath only a part of it about
fifteene or twenty foote and hath as hee beleeveth nothing to doe with the rest, but saith that
by reason of the passage through the sayd Ellis his howse all the
vessells that lye now there, though they lye not at the sayd Ellis his
wharfe, come from one vessell to an other to the sayd Ellis his wharfe
or yarde and there have free passage through his howse to the streete from
those vessells which lye at his wharfe, which this deponent beleeveth
the sayd Ellis would not suffer unlesse hee were paid
for the same And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot

the marke of the sayd
Peter P [MARKE] howard [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day

Examined on the sayd articles

Rp. 3us

Thomas James of the parish of Saint Katherine neere the
Tower of London Waterman aged twenty seaven yeares
or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followth videlicet

To the first article hee saith hee referreth to the order in this article mentioned
and further cannot depose not being present at the makeing thereof

To the 2 article hee saith that hee being a waterman and frequently
plyeing at Saint Katherines stayers arlate knoweth that within the tyme
arlate and after the one and twentieth of March arlate hee hath seene
severall vessells Billanders and other vessells belonging to dunkirkers
and Ostenders and othe Ostlanders lye some tymes five, sometymes
sixe sometymes seaven or eight a brest at and neere the wharfe
of the arlate Jenkin Ellis and were there entertayned and permitted
to lye by leave of the sayd Jenkin Ellis as hee beleeveth, for that
this deponent and other watermen who were much preiudiced by
such their lyeing there and stopping them from passing to and froe as
their occasions required to Saint Katherines stayers, have found fault
with them and the Masters and Companyes of the sayd vessells have
answered and sayd that they must and would lye there, and that they
paid to the sayd Jenkin Ellis halfe a Crowne a weeke a vessell to
for their lyeing there And hee saith that such their lyeing there was very
preiudiciall to the watermen that plyed at Saint Katherines stayers and
this deponent and others had by meanes thereof their boates sunke
and spoiled and other dammage frequently done them, And further saving
his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose:/