HCA 13/72 f.197r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.197r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 2 hee saith the sayd shipp was was noe way leakie more than all
shipps which lye in a hott country will bee and tooke noe more water
then what one pumpe did with ease being used only once in twenty fower
howers, cleere her of and hee beleeveth shee never had above sixteene Inches
water in hold till the stormes aforesayd happened And further hee
cannot answeere./

To the 3 hee saith hee cannot answere otherwise than negatively not
knowing any such thing as is Interrogate/

To the 4th hee cannot answere knowing nothing nor having heard
any thing to the effect Interrogate./

To the 5th hee saith the pumpes were of his knowledge allwaies in a
readinesse though by reason the shipp lay all of one side they could not
be used during the storme as aforesayd And further cannot answere/.

1To the 6th hee answereth negatively for his part and further cannot answere

To the 7th hee saith that the greatest part of the water which came into
the sayd shipp in the stormes aforesayd came from above and did most
dammage And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee
cannot answere./

To the 8th hee saith hee helped to stowe all the goods brought in the
Trades Increase from the Barbados the voyage in question
but remembreth not in what particuler part of the sayd shipp any
particuler manns goods were stowed And further saving his foregoeing
deposition hee cannot answere./

To the 9th hee answereth negatively for his part, and otherwise cannot

To the last hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof in his
foregoeing deposition soe farr as hee can./



28 January 1657.

Salisbury and Company}
against Trevill}

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

dt 3 us.

William Bower of the parish of Saint Michael Cornehill
London Scrivener, aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sworne and

To the third article of the said allegation and the schedule therein mentioned
bearing date as in the said article is declared, namely the seventh day of
ffebruary in the yeere of our Lord 1654 hee saith and deposeth that on or
about the said day of the date of the said schedule hee this deponent
was present at the victualling house knowne by the signe of the [?Cock]
at the backside of Exchange London where hee saw and did see William [?Treville]
therein mentioned and therein mentioned signe seale and for his act
and deed deliver the said schedule or bill of Charter partie
in all things as therein are nowe to be seene, which being soe done
hee this deponent and one Stephen Trevill as witnesse thereof
did then and there set their names on the back thereof as now appeareth
and by his name [?written]on the backe thereof hee knoweth
the same to be the same soe their sealed and delivered

Repeated before doctor Godolphin



Primary sources



C 6/387/20 Short title: Buckeridge v Lea. Plaintiffs: Edmund Buckeridge gent. Defendants: Philip Lea, of St Matthew Friday Street, London, Seaborne Buckeridge, Mary Arnold and William Bower scrivener. Subject: The plaintiff's mortgage of a moiety of a messuage which the defendant Lea rented. Lea had not paid his rent as there was a dispute concerning who should receive the rent. Document type: answer, schedule. 1699