HCA 13/72 f.194r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 194 |
Side | Recto |
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Requires image; transcribed on 25/04/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4715.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/04/25 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 24/05/2013 and on 07/10/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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endeavour to cleere the sayd shipp of the water shee receaved in the sayd storme
And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose
To the 7th hee saith that the sayd shipp still continueing her Course for London
did upon the first of September about a hundred and fiftie leagues from
the west of England meete with an other exceeding great tempest which
continued fower dayes with that furie that the sayd shipp was not able to
spoone before the sea but was forced to lye a hull under the sea by meanes
whereof the sea beate over her very often with great violence and with the
force thereof brake two of her louf beames of her lower deck and did her
other hurt and preiudice and did unavoidably breake in and ranne amongst the
merchants goods aboard her, and the shipp and her ladeing and Company were
in very eminent hazard of perishing this hee knoweth being then Masters Mate aboard
her And further hee cannot depose./
To the 8th 9th and 10th hee saith hee hath bin a seaman for those eleaven yeares last past and
in that time bin at Sea in severall great stormes and knoweth that in
stormie weather a laden shipp allthough shee bee new her sides will give
way and her seames open with her labouring in the sea and shee will become
leakie to the damnifieing of her ladeing allthough the Master and Company of
her bee never soe carefull to avoide the same. And hee this deponent well
knoweth that what dammage is happened to any of the goods and ladeing of the
trades Increase the voyage aforesayd, happened meerely by the
violence of the sayd two stormes and not through any default of the Master
and Company of her or any defect of the sayd shipp other than what the
stormes aforesayd made and occasioned this deponent well knoweing and seeing
that the goods were well stowed and all care possible taken to preserve them
soe that the dammage which happened was unavoidable and not by reason of any badd storage And further to those
articles hee cannot depose/
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee was Masters Mate of the Trades Increase the voyage
in question./
To the second hee saith hee saith hee well knoweth that the sayd shipp the tyme
Interrogate was sufficiently tight and staunch and noe more leakie then what usually shipps are
in such hott Countries as the Barbados and tooke in noe more water but what was
with ease voided by the pumpe with pumpeing once a night and hee this deponent verily
beleeveth and is perswaded in his conscience that the sayd shipp before thestormes
aforesayd happened never had above a foote water or thereabouts in hold And
further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/
To the 3 and 4th Interrogatories hee cannot answere otherwise then negatively./
To the 5th hee saith the pumpes were of this deponents knowledge allwaies fitted
and in readinesse to be made use of if the stormes as aforesayd would have permitted
and all possible meanes was used for the preservation of the sayd shipps ladeing
from dammage./
To the 6th negatively
To the 7th hee saith that that the water came into the sayd shipp by the violence of the
sayd storme both from above and beneath and which did most harme to the goods hee
knoweth not And further cannot answere/
To the 8th hee saith hee this deponent being Masters Mate did helpe to stowe all or the most of the
goods in the sayd shipp the voyage in question but remembreth in what part each
particuler mans goods were stowed yet knoweth they were all well sufficiently
stowed and dennaged./