HCA 13/72 f.186r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.186r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 3 hee saith hee was present only at the signeing of the the Charterparty
for the shipp Successe for her voyage to Brazeele, hee being Master and soe one
who was to signe the same and saith the Average therein expressed was as
before is deposed And saith alsoe that hee hath seene the foresayd Edward
Wye his Charterparty for the same voyage and knoweth that it conteyneth the like
Averidge as is expressed in this deponents Charterparty And hee further saith that
hee this deponent had for the sayd voyage six pounds a moneth or thereabouts which was
noe more then ordinary wages such as is paid for other voyages which hee
was contracted with in respect of the Averidge which were by Charterparty to
become due to him And further hee cannot answere./

To the 4th hee saith as before hee hath declared, wages is due, over and beside
the Averidge aforesayd and that hee did receive wages for the voyage,
beside the Averidge hee is to receive for the same, and hee never knew or
heard of any Master and Company that went that voyage upon other conditions or
termes And further hee cannot answere/

To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith that the sayd John Bushell likewise did endeavour after this deponents returne from Brazeele to
have made a composition with this deponent for part of the Average due
for the voyage aforesayd which this deponent went to Brazeele, but there was
noe composition made, and this deponent being forced away from Lisbone by
the meanes aforesayd the Average or soe much of the same as was payd by the laders remaynes as aforesayd in the hands
of the sayd Bushell and as not yet payd to this deponent And saith
hee knoweth of noe other composition made or endeavoured to bee made by
betweene any Owners of shipps tradeing to Brazeele and the Masters of them
but hath heard as is predeposed that the same hath bin endeavoured but
the particuler names of the Owners or Masters betweene whome such
endeavour of Composition was, hee remembreth not And further to
this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere./

To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith the sayd Bushell one of his owners was present
as is predeposed, and knoweth not of what further to answere to this Interrogatorie
but beleeveth other owners whose shipps trade thither are either present when
the Charterparties for such voyages are made or give order to others to see that the
freight bee expressed therein according as in such voyages is requisite
soe that the Masters cannot have any any (sic) greater avarage then what
is usually paid in such voyages, which average hee verily beleeveth
ought wholly to belonge to the Masters of shipps and their Companyes and not
to the Owners and hee the rather beleeveth the same for that the same was
soe expressed in this deponents Charterparty at ˹the makeing of˺ which the sayd Bushell
one of the Owners was present And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot answere/

To the last Interrogatorie hee saith hee was at Lisbone in the yeare 1649 when the
sayd Wye and this deponent went in Company for the Brazeele and hath
seene the sayd Wyes Charterparty for that voyage and knoweth it conteyned
the like average and conditions for the same which were (as is predeposed) in
this deponents Charterparty for the same voyage And further to this Interrogatorie
saveing his foregoeing deposition hee cannot further answere/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/