HCA 13/72 f.185r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.185r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of his Laders and ffreighters were by the sayd Charterparty obliged to pay to
this deponent and Company a hundred Rees (which is fifteen pence Portugall money)
upon every Roove of sugar brought thence to Lisbone, and this Charterparty was
soe made with those allowances of Average therein to this deponent and company with
the privity and consent of one Mr John Bushell one of the Owners of the Shipp
Successe in which this deponent made the sayd voyage, which sayd Averidge of
eighty rees upon a Roove is in the sayd Charterparty expressed to belonge
to this deponent and to his disposall as a free guift from the Laders and
freighters of the sayd goods (over and above the freight due to the Owners of
the sayd shipp) to oblige and encourage this deponent and Company to fight the dutch or any
other Enimies of the Portugueses who should assaile them in the sayd voyage
and to doe their utmost endeavour to preserve their goods by their care
in well stowing and otherwise and the saith the same Averidge did not
anyway belong to the Owners of the sayd shipp as by the sayd Charterparty
did and doth and may appeare And hee saith that (to the best of his now
remembrance) there was alsoe expressed in the sayd Charterparty for the goods
exported from Lisbone to Brazeele eighty or an hundred Rees averidge over
and above the freight of the sayd goods, upon every Mill Rea freight due to
the Owners of the sayd shipp for the sayd goods soe exported, which average was
(as hee remembreth) alsoe therein expressed to bee a free guift to this deponent
and to bee disposed of by him as aforesayd amongst his Company for the reasons
aforesayd, and saith there was noe other allowance to this deponent and
Company but the Average aforesayd And further to those articles hee cannot

To the 4th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee hath credibly heard
from some Masters of English shipps tradeing from
Portugall to Brazeele that their Owners of their shipps observing that there
was a considerable allowance by Charterparty given by the ffreighters in those voyages
to the Masters and Companyes of shipps for average (over and above the
freight due to the Owners of the shipps) have endeavoured to compound
with the Masters of the sayd shipps before their setting out upon the sayd voyage
to have a proportion of the average allowed to them and that the masters
refuseing soe to doe, the sayd Owners have refused to lett their shipps proceede
on the sayd voyage And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 5th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
(being the arlate Captaine John Wills) and the arlate Edward Wye
Master of the Saphir arlate were imployed and did goe with their shipps
to Brazeele in company of each other the tyme aforesayd and upon the
like termes of Averees as this deponent did and this deponents
and the sayd Edward Wye were by their Charterparties to have
like Average one as the other and the same Averidge did belonge by
their Charterparties belong to them and was to bee disposed by them to the
use of them selves and their companyes and that noe part thereof did
belonge to the Owners of the sayd shipps And further to this article
hee cannot depose./

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee having bin a Master
of Shipps for those twenty yeares last past and upwards as aforesayd hath
observed that it is usuall in all ordinary Charterparties for other
voyages not to the Brazeele to expresse in them the summe payable
for freight, and besides the same to expresse the payment of primage
Average and pelliloduronage accustomed, which primage and Average and pellilodona=
nage hath during the sayd tyme (and as hee beleeveth tyme byond memory of men