HCA 13/72 f.165r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.165r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


for and during all the sayd seaven yeares, wherein he
the deponent included the arlate yeares 1654 and 1655
And he saith that the arlate Cooke still is (as he
beleeveth) and soe ought to be the Owner of her, for that
he never sold her, but she was piratically and forceably
taken from him at sea as hee hath heard, And further he cannot depose./.

To the 2d and 3d he cannot depose./

To the fourth he deposeth that the shipp the Mayflower
wherein this deponent sayled about seaven yeares, and whereof he
hath deposed the arlate James Cooke to bee sole owner,
and the shipp now under arrest at the instance of the
said James Cooke is one and the same shipp of his
certaine knowledge, having seene her since her sayd
arrest. And further he cannot depose/

To the fifth he cannot anwere./

To the last he saith his former deposition is true.

The marke of [MARKE] William

Repeated with his
precontest in Court
Tras Martini 1657

On the same day

The 24:th day of November 1657: CENTRE HEADING

On the behalfe of Laurance}
Blancart of London Merchant}
and Abraham Stock of Dover}
Merchant touching a losse in}
the hope of Dover: Assu}

Rp. 1

John Wilson of Dover Mariner Late Master of the ship
the hope of Dover aged 40 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne
before the right worshipfull Charles George Cock Esquire one
of the Judges of the High Court of the Admiralty and Examined upon certain
Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of Laurance Blancart
of London Merchant, and Abraham Stock of Dover Marchant
saith and deposeth as followeth./.

To the first Interrogatorie this Deponent saith and deposeth that hee very
well knoweth the Interrate ship the Hope of Dover, whereof
this Deponent was Master, and soe hath done for about a yeere and halfe
Last, and saith the said shipp was last at Newcastle in ffebruary last,
and departed from thence on Shrove Sunday last, bound directly
to New haven in ffrance, All which hee well knoweth goeing all the
said voyage Master of the said Ship/:

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that whilest the said ship was
at Newcastle aforesaid there were Laden aboard her
80 Chaldron of Coales, five and twenty Chaldron of
Grindstones, about five or six and twenty firkins of Butter, and
fower peeces of Cloth, All which were Laden for and upon the
Proper account of the Interrate Laurance Blancart, and Abraham


Primary sources



ADM 106/333/444 Navy Board: Records. IN-LETTERS. Miscellaneous. Abraham Stock, Dover. He is willing to risk going to France to get rosin for delivery to Portsmouth, Chatham, Woolwich or Deptford. He would send 2 ships but would require protection. Asks for terms. 21 April 1678
ADM 106/494/297

Abraham Stock, Deal. Refers to previous letter about stores and vessels, about the furnaces which were bad, about boats, the need for compass timber, also an anchor and cable lost by Captain Hubbard, but there is no certain mark and he needs men to assist him. He has not delivered anything to Sir W. Beckman. The fleet sailed Wednesday with most of the Dutch and Admiral Allemonde sailed today. 1 May 1696


C 5/14/14 Short title: Blancart v Castel. Plaintiffs: Lawrence Blancart and Mary Blancart his wife. Defendants: Michael Castel. Subject: money matters, London or Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1652
C 5/80/47 Short title: Blancart v Gracedieu. Plaintiffs: John Blancart. Defendants: Bartholomew Gracedieu. Subject: money matters, London or Middlesex. Document type: bill only. 1691

C 6/200/93 Short title: Stock v Jacobson. Plaintiffs: Abraham Stock . Defendants: Theodore Jacobson , Nathaniel Denew and Nicholas Cullen . Subject: money matters, Kent. Document type: bill, plea. 1672
C 6/220/67 Short title: Stock v Stokes. Plaintiffs: Abraham Stock and Margery Stock his wife. Defendants: William Stokes . Subject: money matters, Kent. Document type: bill, answer, schedule. 1676
C 6/296/75 Short title: Denewe v Stock. Plaintiffs: Nathaniel Denewe and Nicholas Cullen . Defendants: Abraham Stock and Laurence Polman . Subject: ship accounts, Kent . Document type: bill, answer, demurrer. 1675


E 134/24Chas2/East17 Peter Salmon, "as well for the King of England as for himselfe." v. Abraham Stock: Ship called the "St. John" taken a prize "by the Oxford frigate" in the late war between the English and Dutch (in 1667), and carried into Hull (York). Whether identical with the ship called the "Margery of Dover" ("which made the voyage in Virginia, and Walter Sancarfe then master; the plaintiff Salmon p'tends to be forfeited").: Holland; Amsterdam; York. 24 Chas 2. [ 30 January 1672 - 29 January 1673]