HCA 13/72 f.137r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.137r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the eleaventh hee saith hee knoweth not any
other owner of the said shipp but only the said Egbert Scut
who hee saith dwelling at the Kock end in Amsterdam, and
hee verily beleeveth that noe fflandrian or other subiect of
the king of Spaine whatsoever hath any interest of share on the
said shipp the Morning Starr, And otherwise hee cannot answer
saving his foregoing deposition to which hee referreth himselfe.

fredryck Claesen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The first of October 1657.
exámined upon the foresaid allegation
on behalfe of the claimers.

Rp. 3.

Claus Willems of Amsterdam mariner
master of the said shipp the Morning Starr
aged 38 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first árticle hee saith and deposeth that the producents
Egbert Scutt and John da Potter have bin for all the time arlate
and are the true and lawfull owners and proprietors of the shipp the
Morning starr arlate and of her tackle apparell and furniture and
for such commonly accounted, which hee knoweth being present and privie
to their buying her about twenty monethes since at Amsterdam, and
being by them constituted Master upon such their buying of her.

To the second and third árticles hee saith and deposeth that about seaventeene
monethes since the said producents set out the said shipp from Amsterdam
under conduct of this deponent {laden} with some oile, Spanish wine,
hatts, knives, brandewine and other commodities proper for the trade
of the Wester Ilands whether shee was designed, and proceeded from the
Texel in that voyage on the seaventeenth of May 1656 New Stile, and
about six weekes after arived at Tobago one of the Wester or
Caribbe Ilands, in which parts this deponent (who was alsoe
merchant for his said imployers) was to dispose and truck away the
said outwards goods for tobacco for the best proffit of his said
imployers the owners of the said shipp, but not finding the season proper
at Tobago this deponent went to the Wilde coast of the West Indies
and there trading, did upon truck and barter for part of his said
outwards goods buy and provide for his said owners account upwards
of eight thousand pound weight of tobaccoe, XXXXXX 92li of tobaccoe, and for his owne account about seaven hundred pounds weight of tobaccoe, all contained in seaven and thirtie greate
and severall small rolls of tobaccoe, six greate and tenn small fats or
barrells of tobaccoe and a cask of tobaccoes, all which were laden aboard
the said shipp to be transported for Amsterdam for his said owners and his account
respectively as aforesaid And saith that there were there alsoe laden aboard her for the account
of the shipps company about thirteene hundred weight of tobaccoe
in barrels and rolls, and one hide and a halfe. And that all the tobaccoe [XXX GUTTER]