HCA 13/71 f.95v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.95v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third article of the said Allegation hee saith that in the said flight
and pursuite, the said shipp fortune steered her course towards Dover
the said shipps of warr running up cloase to her and being in a readinesse
to board and take her of this deponents sight and knowledge.

To the 4th hee saith, that the said man of warr being in the chase
of the said shipp fortune about 4. leagues from Dover a certaine shipp of
this Commonwealth weighing anchor made towards them, and the Officers
of the said English shipp understanding the ffrenchmens designe in
the pursuite and endeavour to take the said shipp fortune and
Lading, bidd them pursue their designe, during which time another
shipp of warr of this state comeing from the Westward came up with
the said shipp fortune, and discharging two peeces of cannon against her, sent
men aboard her in a boat, the said two frenchmen of warr
being then readie to have boarded and seized her and her Lading
which was as aforesaid, seized by the said Englishman of warr and
brought by her into England, the frenchmen of warr being thereby
deprived thereof. This premisses he saith he well knoweth
as being in the quality aforesaid eyewitnesse thereof.

To the 5th he saith, That in all probability the said shipp fortune and
Lading in case they had not beene mett with by the said frenchmen
of warr had gone directly for dunquirke, the said shipp at the
time there was mett withall as aforesaid, bearing up cloase for the
french Coast in order, as by all appearanses, to her Course for
flanders, which shee might very well have performed, in case shee
had awt beene rencontred as aforesaid by the ffrench:/

To the 6th he saith, That if the said English frigatt had not been boarded and
seized the said fortune at the time shee did, the said two
frenchmen of warr had undoubtedly taken her and her lading, shee
having only five pieces of cannon aboard her, whereas and about 9. or
10. men whereas the one of the said frenchmen of warr had 12.
peece of Cannon aboard her and about 94. men, and the other
about 8. or 9. peece of Cannon and neere upon 100. men, and were xx
ready to have boarded the said shipp fortune, which they had immediately
done had they not in obeissance to the said English ffrigatt upon a shott
by her discharged, lowered their sailes, by meanes whereof they were
retarded in their designe, which otherwise they had without doubt
effected, and possessed themselves of the said shipp fortune and her lading
by their owne force, without any assistance of the English:- The
premisses hee saith hee well knoweth for that was an eye wittnesse
of and serving aboard the said shipp the Eagle Royall dureing the said
pursuite and seizure./ And further cannot depose./

To the 7th and 8th articles of the said Allegation, hee saith, That shortly after the
said shipp fortune and her lading were seized by the said English
friggatt and Companie aboard her, the Captaines of the said two french
men of warr went aboard the said English frigat to demand the said
shipp fortune and her lading as their prize, and went afterwards aboard
the English Commander in chief in the downes, but returned, declaring that the
said Commander had told them, that their right must be tryed in the
Court of Admiraltie at London, and that if any thing proved to be
due to them, they, (meaning the said french Captaines and Companies)