HCA 13/71 f.83v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 83 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 18/09/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130368.JPG | |
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Karen Gunnell | |
First transcribed | |
2012/09/18 | |
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Edited on 03/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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his agents five chests of Coffie and nyne baggs of pepper and hee the
sayd Marco came aboard the sayd shipp Cesar therewith and went alonge therwith
in the said shipp to Petras And further to these articles hee cannot depose./
To the 9th 10th and 11th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that on or about
the 21th of July 1655 hee this deponent in his shipp the Cesar in his Course betwixt
Zant and the Morea mett with a shipp whereof the arlate Captaine Miller was
Commander, and understanding that the arlate William ffowke was therein the sayd
Marco the sayd fffowkes man who was aboard this deponents shipp and hee this
deponent went in the Cesars boate aboard and sayd Captain Millers
shipp, and there hee this deponent acquainted the sayd Consull William ffowke that hee was imployed
by by the sayd Edward and Stephen Wright, and William Langhorne of Genoa
factors for the sayd Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke to bring for their
the sayd Rowse and ffowkes Accompt in his sayd shipp the Currance of the Morea and the Nathalagoe where
upon the sayd Consull William Fowke told this deponent that hee have
bought all the Curranse of the Morea and Nathalagoe and by worde
of mouth ordered this deponent to adresse himselfe to Thomas Oliver
his Viceconsull then(as hee sayd) at Petras, and there to deliver unto him
the fower thousand dollers receaved at Genoa or soe many of them
or he should demande, and also to deliver him sayd five chests of Coffie
and pepper taken aboard the Cesar at Zante for his the sayd Consulls
Accompt for the further satisfieing, and paying for the sayd Curranse, And
these of the like words passed between the sayd Consull and this deponent
aboard the sayd Captaine Millers shipp in presence of the sayd
Marco, And hee saith that in persuance of the sayd order hee this
deponent and the sayd Marco arrived safely at Petras in the shipp Cesar
about the two and twentith or three and twentith of the sayd Moneth
of July, and there hee this deponent and the sayd Marco acquainted the sayd Oliver with the sayd Consulls
order and direction who told this deponent in presence of the sayd
Marco that the Currans of the Morea and Nathalagoe bought
and contracted for, and that hee hoped speedily to dispatch and lade his this
deponents shipp Cesar therewith soe soone as the harvest was over or
hee spoke words to that effect, And further saith that the sayd Oliver
ordered this deponent to pay to the sayd Marco one thousand dollers.
which this deponent did and told them out to him and receaved from the sayd Marco a receipt
for the same which he and hee hath in his this deponent custodie And the sayd Oliver told this deponent in presence of
the sayd Marco that hee would with those thousand dollers and other
effects of the sayd Consulls which hee the sayd Oliver (as hee sayd)
had in his hands, pay for the Petras Currans, and take them into
the sayd Consulls ware houses and ordered him this deponent
both by words of mouth and alsoe by letter under the hand (which letter hee this deponent hath) to sayle with
his sayd shipp Cesar [XXXX XXX] and take in the Currans which were bought and contracted for there, soe
soone as they could bee gotten ready, and sent the sayd Marco and alsoe