HCA 13/71 f.69r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.69r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


require the sayd ffudge to give him bills of ladeing for 37 butts 5 cara=
tells and 3 quarter rolls of the Curranse laden aboard the Cesar to deliver them
at Arggostoll aboard the Elizabeth and Anne for the Accompt of the Interrogate
Williams and Company, but saith the sayd ffudge refused to give any such bills
but offered to give the sayd harbie bills to deliver the sayd
Curranse at London to whomesoever hee should consigne them to, and sayd
hee would not part with the sayd Curranse from on board the Cesar till
shee arrived at London the port of her discharge or hee spake words to that

To the 6th hee saith hee hath heard that the Interrogate Clement harbie
did protest against the Interrogate ffudge for not signeing bills of ladeing
for delivery of the Curranse in question on board the Elizabeth and Anne aforesayd at Argustoll
for Accompt of the Interrogate Williams and Company And further to this
Interrogatorie hee cannot answere/

To the 7th and 8th hee saith hee hath heard that after the Cesars Coming to Argustoll
Interrogate with the Curranse in question in her, the Elizabeth and Anne being then
there the Interrogate harbie did in the presense (as hee hath heard) of the Interrogate
humphrey hardwick and the forenamed John Gifford, and Captaine Langford Commander of the
Elizabeth and Anne at Argustoll demande 37 butts 5 caratells and 3 quarter rolls
of Curranse laden aboard the Cesar for Accompt (of the Interro=
gate William Williams and Company and required him to deliver them aboard
the sayd Elizabeth and Anne, which (as this deponent hath heard)
the sayd ffudge refused to doe and of this deponents knowledge did bring them home in the Cesar to London and further saving his answere to the
5th Interrogatorie to which hee referreth hee cannot answer, otherwise
than that hee saith hee beleeveth the schedule Interrogate to bee all the proper
hand writing of the Interrogate Clement harbie../

To the 9th hee answereth negatively for his part and further cannot answere

To the 10th Interrogatory hee saith that by reason of the death of William ffowke
the Consull aforesayd and of the sicknes of the foresayd Thomas Oliver
his Viceconsull the Interrogate Clement harbie did in the Roade
of Petras cause to be laden aboard the Cesar for accompt of Thomas
Rowse and ffrancis ffowke Interrogate thirty seaven butts fower Caratells
and two quarter rolls of Currans and noe more there marked with the marke in the
margent this hee deposeth of his knowledge being purser of the
Cesar and seeing the ladeing of them and alsoe knoweth that they were delivered
to the sayd Rowse and ffrancis ffowke at London And further hee cannot answere./