HCA 13/71 f.676v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.676v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


21 December 1654

On the behalfe of John}
Chaworth of London}
Merchant touching}
the John Adventure}

John Chaworth of London merchant aged 31 yeares or thereabouts
sworne before the right worshipfull William Godolphin Doctor
of Lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of the
Admiraltie saith and deposeth as followeth, videlcet.

That the Accompt nowe by him produced and left, beginning 1649. An account
of the cost and charges of three bales No. 1. 2. 3 et ctera and ending, L. 258-17-7.
and subscribed John Chaworth, was and is a true accompt of the cost and
chardges of thirtie peeces of Colchester White bayes and thirtie peeces of
[?Alderetus] coontained in the said three bales marked as in the said accompt, and
that the said goods were on or about the 22th of September 1649 really and
truely laden in this port of London on board the shipp the John Adventure
of London, Eustace Smith master by and for the proper accompt of him this
deponent, to be carried to Saint Lucars and there to be consigned
unto John [?Bonoin] of Seville or order for the accompt aforesaid of this
deponent. And that upon the seizure of the said shipp and lading at
Lisbone by Prince Rupert the said three bales of bayes were lost to this deponent
who hath not received any manner of recompense or consideration from
the kinge of Portugall (or other the seizers of the said goods) for the



The 20th of Aprill 1655.

On the behalfe of Samuel Crispe of London}
Merchant and Mary Wilson Executors of the will of Rowland Wilson deceased}
touching a losse in the John Adventure}
Eustace Smith master}

Samuel Crispe of London Merchant
aged 22 yeares or thereabouts, sworne
before the right worshipfull William Clerke
doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of the
high Court of the Admiraltie, saith and deposeth
by vertue of his oath as followeth videlicet.

That in or about the moneth of October 1549. there were in this
port of London aladen aboard the shipp the John Adventure
(Eustace Smith master) bound for Cadiz or Saint Lucars, by and
for accompt of Rowland Wilson of London merchant (since deceased)
foure trusses containing 44 peeces of Colchester bayes marhed and
numbred as in the margent; and saith the same with the custome and
the charges of lading them, and for drawing, amounted unto and cost
270 li - 1 s - 10 d, sterling, as by the Invoice thereof annexed (which hee saith
containeth the truth) is more particularly to be ssene. All which
hee knoweth for that hee this deponent was then servant to the said
Rowland Wilson in his merchandizing imployment, and was privie
to and acquainted with the buying and paying for the said bayes
for the said Mr Wilsons accompt, and made entrie thereof in his
bookes according to the particulars of the said Invoice, and hath lately
seene and perused the said entrie, and was privie to the lading of
them aboard the said shipp in this port, and sawe the bill of lading
for the same subscribed by the said master, which bill hee saith he
formerly delivered to the Portugall Embassafor, And saith the said shipp
in the prosecution of the said voyage being taken by Prince Rupert and carryed
into Lisbone, the said foure trusses of bayes were and are utterly lost to the
said Mr Wilson and noe satisfaction hetherto made to him his Executriz