HCA 13/71 f.672r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 672 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/04/03 | |
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Edited on 10/08/2014 Colin Greenstreet |
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To the third hee saith that the fitting and setting forth of the said shipp on the
said voyage with victualls and other necessaries and provisions cost the said
owners at Lisbone the summe of two thousand six hundred fiftie seaven mil
five hundred eightie eight Rès, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent on
behalfe of the said owners disbursed the most part of the said money, and
was acquainted with the laying out of the rest, and the marking up of the
accompt thereupon being the accompt nowe showed unto him, which was
made up betwixt this deponent and Abraham Lanford Purser of the
said shipp, who delivered the same (being of his owne handwriting) to
this deponent to bring hense to the owners.
[GUTEER ?XXX] account delivered to}
Mr John Bushell}
to carry in to the Commissioners}
[GUTTER ?39th Aug: 1654}
To the fourth Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that in and for
all the monethes aforesaid of the yeare 1650 Prince Rupert was in the port of
Lisbone, and was there protected by the king of Portugall: and that the
said shipp the Successe in the moneth of May aforesaid departing out of
the said port on the foresaid voyage, was by Generall Blake (who lay
with out with the Parliaments fleete of this Commonwealth) staid and
ordered to serve in the said fleete upon the coast of Portugall against the said
Prince and mariners of this Commonwealth, in which service shee was detained
the space of three monethes or neere thereabouts All which hee knoweth being
there and seeing the premisses soe donne, and taking the more notice of
the proceedings and imployment of the said shipp because hee came commander
of her in a voyage from Brazila to Lisbone, where hee put the said
Peachie commander of her, and afterwards came home for England in
her company. And saith the king of Portugall ioyend his fleete to the
fleete of the said Prince to fight against the fleete of this commonwealth,
and was thereby the cause of the overthrowe of the said voyage.
To the fifth hee saith the said fleete of this commonwealth departing
homewards from the coasts of Portugall, brought the said shipp the
Successe and her said lading to this port, and here her said cargo soe
laden for the accompt of the Bulsa was confiscated, which hee knoweth
because hee came home in her companie, and otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the sixth hee saith that the said shipp after her said hiring by the
said Bulso for the said voyage to Brazeela lay three monethes or thereabouts
in the said port of Lisbone to receave and take in her said ladeing of this
deponents sight and knowledge. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 7th hee saith the said shipp was of the burthen of three hundred
tunns and had 24 gunnes in her, and deserved well an hundred
pounds per moneth for the weare and teare of her hull alone, without
victualls or wages, and after that rate this deponent hath let her
hull alone, and with victualls and wages hee hath let her for 150 li per
moneth in marchants imployment, wherein shee hath had but few men,
but in the [?Portugalls] service in warlike imployment shee hath bin letten for
victualls weare and teare and wages at 300 li per moneth. And
saith shee was the time aforesaid of her being at Lisbone a stronge and
tight shipp.