HCA 13/71 f.672Ar Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.672r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 29th of August 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of Joseph Dobbins}
touching three chests of sugar by}
him claimed in the Barnstable merchant}

George Clarke of London Merchant aged 28 yeares
or thereabouts, and John Daniel of London mariner
aged 43 yeares or thereabouts sworne before the
right worshippfull the Commissioners in the Portugall businesse
sayd and depose by vertue of their oathes.


That they are well knowe Richard Lowes of Lisbone an Englishman marchant, and
are very well acquainted with his hand writing having severall times
seene him write, and seene many of his writings at Lisbone and
elsewhere, and having nowe seene two letters subscribed with his name, the
one dated at Lisbone the 17th of May 1650 and the other the 12th of
September 1651, they say they verily beleeve, and are aswell assured
as of any thing that they did not set downe that the said two letters and such
subscriptions of his name were and are the very hand writing
of the said Richard Lewes.

Georges Clerke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 29th of August 1654.[CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of Allen Reynardson, George}
Robinson and William May and other marchants}
trading for Port a port in Portugall touching}
their losses there occasioned by the king of}

Rowland Hill of London marchant aged
40 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
before the right worshippfull the Commissioners
appointed in the Portugall businesse
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet


That having nowe seene a paper beginning thus, The claime of Allen
Reynardson et cetera and ending 1390 [?0000], hee saith that the marchants
trading to Porto (being English marchants) have so soffered losse upon
peeces of eight of Peru to the valew of seaven hundred and fourtie
mil Rés or a little more or lesse, being made uncurrant by the kings
proclamation before the restitution of their moneys which hee had received
And alsoe that the said marchants have disbursed in chardges about
with drawing the sequestration and receaveing their said moneys the summe
of six hundred mil Rés and upwards, which hee knoweth to be true
because thee this deponent was there present and assisted in making
up the accompts touching the foresaid dammadges and chardges, and
this hee saith was in the yeare 1652 or thereabouts.