HCA 13/71 f.671r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 671 |
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IMAGE: P1140593.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/04/02 | |
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Edited on 10/08/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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said kings officers upon release of any sequetration did usually and commonly
deduct out of the moneys belonging to the owners of any the English shipps
sequestred a teston a day for the master and halfe a teston a day for each
mariner for their maintenance, which for the master and seaven mariners
comes to 450 Mil Rès per day, and for 159 dayes
to 71 mil 550 Rès; and consequently for the master and foure mariners
for 126 dayes comes to 37 mil 800 Res at 300 Res per day;
And this deponent was severall times at Port a port in Portugall whither the shipp the Hopegood (John hayward master) lay there under [?pay] and sawe
the master and mariners thereof while they were under the said sequestration
severall times goe and receive after that rate of the kings officers there for their maintenance; and this
deponent at Avairo clearing a shipp of Plimouth called the fellowshipp from
sequestration, the said kings officers deducted after the rate aforesaid
for the maintenance of her mariners out of the proceeds of goods
sold by the said officers, and paid this deponent the rest to the use of
the owners, and otherwise hee cannot depose.
Nicholas Prijnn [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 29th of August 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of Rowland hill, humphrey hill}
and other English marchants, owners of the shipp}
the Swann, Thomas Pitcher master.}
Nicholas Prynn of Plimouth
Marchant, aged 30 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne before the right Worshipfull.
To the fifth Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee this deponent
hath bin a marchant and factor resident at Aveiro in Portugall for theise
seaven yeares last or thereabouts, and was residing in Portugall both
at the time of the Generall sequestration of the English marchants goods
in the yeere 1650 and at the time of the Release of the said sequestration,
and was in that time at Port a port and sawe the shipps the Swann
aforesaid and the shipp hopegood John Hayward master lie there under the said sequestration
and sawe their masters and mariners severall times goe and receive
for their maintenance of the kinge of Portugalls officers after a teston
a day for the master and halfe a teston a day for each mariner; which
rate hee saith was the constant and ordinary rate allowed to
English masters and mariners by the said kings officers in those parts of Portugall
And when any shipp
came to be cleared they deducted the sume out of the moneys or goods belonging or payable
to the owners, and this deponent clearing the ffellowshipp of
Plimouth was faine to make allowance accordingly to the said officers,
they deducting after that rate. And saith that after the rate aforesaid,
the allowance for a master and 18 mariners for 159 dayes came to 159 Mil Rès,
and for a master and 6 mariners for 126 dayes to 50 mil 400 Res.
and for 4 dayes more 1 mil 600 Rès.
Nicholas Prÿnn [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]