HCA 13/71 f.666v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.666v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 23th of August 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of Nicholas Opie, Stephen}
Trevill and Richard Lobb owners and freighters}
of the shipp the Walsingham whereof John}
[?Trenaman] was master.}

George Chappell of London Mariner
aged 54 yeares or thereabouts, sworne
before the right Worshippfull William Clarke
and John Godolphin doctors of lawes
Judges of the high Court of the
Admiraltie, saith and examined upon
certaine Interrogatories saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the island of Saint Jago Interrogated and was at the
same in Aprill last was a twelve moneth, and sawe and well knoweth
that the said Island is Inhabited by Portugueses and under the power
dominion and command of the kinge of Portugall, and the same hath
for many yeeres last past bin and at present is commonly accompted
reputed and taken to be part of the dominions of the said kinge
and sent thither by the said kinge, and appointed to the said
of Portugall; And saith the Governour of the said Iland is placed
thither by the said kinge, and appointed to the said Govenment
by the said kings speciall Commission, and this deponent being at
Lisbone in March last was twelve moneth, and thence bound for
the Iiand of Saint Tome and to touch at the said Iland of
Saint Jago, hee was spoken unto by Pedro ffarras Barretto (who
was appointed by the said kinge to goe Governour to the said Iland of
Saint Jago upon removall of the former Govenour) to transportt him
thither to his said Govenment in this deponents shipp.

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knoweth the shipp the walsingham interrogated, and hath so donne for
theise two yeeres last past and upwards and saith shee was under
of the burthen of 240 tonnes and had fourteene guns in her; and
saith further that in Aprill last was a twelve moneth hee this deponent
being at Saint Jago as aforesaid was informed by the Sergeant Maior of
the said Iland a Portuguese, and others that by the said shipp in the
yeere 1651 was seized and taken at the Iland of May by the
Portuguese, and of 36 mariners that shee had aboard, thirtie were
murthered, and that they were commanded to doe the same by the
authoritie of the Government of Saint Jago, as the said Sergeant
Major told this deponent, who alsoe said and acknowledged
that hee himselfe was the principall of the
Portuguese in the said action, and that hee was sent and imployed therein
by the said Govenour of Saint Jago; and as this deponent was
then and there likewise informed, the said shipp was carried into
Jago, and that there her lading of salt and other goods were sold and disposed
of, and that the Government of the said Iland of Saint Jago, by
the said kings command sent the said shipp to Lisbone, whether
as this deponent was alsoe informed shee was carried by
Portugueses and there delivered into the said kings possession and
further saith that shee was restored to the owners in december last
was a twelve moneth which hee knoweth being then there and seeing
the said restitution. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the third hee saith the said Iland of Saint Jago is a place fortified
for defence of it selfe of this deponents sight and knowledge.

George Chappell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]