HCA 13/71 f.655v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 655 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: P1140560.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/16 | |
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Edited on 28/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The seaventh of August 1658
On the behalfe of Thomas Collins}
henry Bondford and company owners of the}
Carvell the Lady of Nazareth Richard}
Chappell master, seized at Lisbone}
Parke dt.
William Osgodby of Stratford Bow
in the County of Middlesex Mariner,
late Purser of the shipp the John and
Mary of London Ambrose Chappell
master, sworne before the right worshippfull
the Commissioners appointed in the
Portugall businesse, and examined
upon certaine Interrogatories saith as followeth
To the first Interrogatory he deposeth that he did well know
the interrate shipp or Carvell the Lady of Nazareth (whereof
the interrate Richard Chappell was Master) he this deponent
being then Purser of the ship the John and Mary of
London wherunto the said Carvell was to be helpfull in her
voyage to Brazill, And he saith and deposeth that he very
well knoweth the interrate Thomas Collins Henry Bonford
and Company being Merchants of London, and that he
the sayd Collins, Bonford and Company were the
true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the
said shipp or Carvell the Lady of Nazareth The premisses
he knoweth for that he this deponent being Purser of
the shipp the John and Mary did account unto them
the said Collins , Bonford and Company as Owners
both of the said shipp the John and Mary and alsoe of
the said ship or Carvell And further he deposeth not
To the 2d Interrogatory he deposeth that on the day interrate he the
deponent was out at Sea in the shipp the John and Mary
when the Carvell interrate was seized, but he saith that he
heard divers of the Mariners which went into Lisboa in the
said shipp or Carvell and which had after her seizure made escape, say
that they had lost all; and he deposeth that he very well
knoweth that the said Carvell or shipp the Lady of Nazareth was
sent into Lisboa by Generall Blake his command, and that the
said Generall Blake sent some other men of his fleets company
in her besides the Mariners which belonged unto her And
further he deposeth not.
To the third Interrogatory and to the schedule therin mentioned he
deposeth and saith that he being Purser of the said shipp the
John and Mary wherunto the sayd Lady of Nazareth being
a Carvell did belong, that he did with his owne hands for
the use and accompt of the said Owners pay for the hull of the
said Carvell 380 Millrees and for the custome of her 47
Millrees, and that the said Carvell was of the burthen of
betweene 39 and 40ty Tonns (as he conceiveth) And he saith
that the schedule interrate is a true and iust Accompt of the
particular costs and charges of the said Carvell, The premisses
he knoweth for that he this deponent accounted at
Lisbon for 603 Mill 200 Rees, and sent the same
account home to the foresaid Owners, and that since that
account the Master of the said Carvell hath layd out for some
small matters for the said Carvells use which maketh up
the iust summe of sixe hundred and nine Mill and 855 Rees
as it by the particulars off the said schedule appeareth
And further he cannot depose.