HCA 13/71 f.650v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 650 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/03/2013 | |
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IMAGE: P1140550.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/28 | |
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Edited on 11/04/2014 and on 28/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the fourth article hee saith that the sayd ship Mary and John
did retourne out of the sayd warlike ymployment with a lading
of salt to Angolla, and there remained twenty dayes before her salt
was unladen and upwards besides the four monethes aforesayd
for which twenty dayes and upwards noe alloweance att all was
made by the sayd Governour, but aććording to the Agreement
and rate aforesayd there was and is due for the same the summe
of four hundred millres. And further that besides the sayd
four monethes and sayd twentye dayes there were twentye dayes
more spent in her stay att Angola for her necessary repair of
such dammage as she sustayned in the sayd service for he saith
that the sayd Governour keeping this deponent as a prisoner in Angola
his people and such as he intrusted with the management of the
sayd shipp in that service rann her, as should seeme, upon the
rockes and did splitt her sterne post and broke off the Irons
from the sayd post and rudder, for which twenty dayes he
ćonćeyveth four hundred millres are due, there being as
yet noe satisfaction made for the same. the premisses he
knoweth to be true, for the reasons aforesayd. And further deposeth
To the fifth article he saith, that the charge of workemen and materials
att Angola is great. a millres per diem being the ordinary hire
of an Artificer there, that the repair of the foresayd dammage
cost this deponent in materialls Carpenters Caulkers and Smiths
worke the summe of two hundred and fifty millres att the
least. And further deposeth not.
To the sixth article hee saith that this deponent by his sayd Imprisonment
having a great stick of goods in the Countrey which he could not
looke after suffered a greater dammage on behalfe of his sayd
Owners than he is able to estimate: but saith that the Charges
and expenses of his imprisonment, and the defence of a suit
of law which the sayd Governour caused to be there commenced
against this deponent to colour his sayd imprisoning of him
did amount to three hundred millres, and the sayd impri=
sonment was oććasioned upon this ground bećause this deponent on
behalfe of his Owners did demand that a Charterparty might be
made for the sayd warlike expedition aććording to the Agreement
aforesayd, which the sayd Governour not onely refused but imprisoned
this deponent for requiring it, and then ćaused the Lord cheife
Justice there to imp[?lead] this deponent criminally for going
about to preiudice the King of Portugalls service. And
further deposeth not.
To the seventh article he saith that after the sayd shipp was discharged
of her salt and repaired, this deponent receyved and tooke on board his
sayd shipp by the order of the sayd Governour and Officers of the
King of Portugall 917. Negers besides children for the
aććompt of Portugalls whereof seven hundred eighty seven negers
besides Children were landed alive att the Bay of Brazell.