HCA 13/71 f.64r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.64r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The first of March 1655

The claime of Peter Reynolds Gilbert}
Van Sisteren and John Swaen in the}
hare in the feild}

Examined upon an allegegation made in the
acts of Court 27 of ffeb: last.

Philip Copy of London Merchant aged 36
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the producent Gilbert van Sisteren and hath soe done for these
tenn monethes last past or thereabouts, and hath oftentimes seene
him in that space; and saith the said Gilbert is an Inhabitant of
Amsterdam, whence this deponent hath received letters from him, dated
there, and that hee the said Gilbert is a native of the
Busse or S'Hertogen bosch in the Dominion of the Lords the States
of the United Netherlands, and a subiect of the said States and for
such commonly accompted and reputed. And otherwise hee cannot
depose, saving that within a yeere last this deponent living at
Dunquirke received letters from the arlate John de Swaen dated at
Amsterdam (the Place of his residence; and directed to his correspon
=dent living in house with this deponent, and then absent, this deponent
having order to receive his letters in his absence and answer them, which this
deponent did and wrote accordingly to the said John de Swaen to

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first he saith hee knoweth neither the father nor
mother of any of the producents, and otherwise hee cannot answer
saving the said Gilbert Van Sisteren is of the age of about 29. yeeres./.

To the second hee saith that the said Gilbert van Sisteren is commonly
accompted a batchelour, and soe hee was when this deponent last sawe
him, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the third hee saith hee this rendent is a native of Rosborough
in fflanders in the Dominion of the king of Spaine, and otherwise hee
answereth negatively.

Philippiis Coppey [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day.

Examined upon the fore said allegation.

Charles Gabrij of Amsterdam Marchant aged 45
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the said allegation hee saith that hee well knoweth the producent
John de Swaen and hath soe donne for theise seaven yeares last past
or thereabouts, during which space hee the said John hath bin an Inhabitant
of Amsterdam where hee is a marchant and keeps house and
familie there, and saith hee was and is a subiect of the Lords
the States of the United Netherlands and for such commonly accompted,
which hee deposeth living alsoe in Amsterdam (where hee
hath dwelt about thirtie yeares) and being well acquainted with
the said John de Swaen. And saith hee well knew the father
and knoweth the brother of the arlate Peter Reynald[?o] who is
commonly accompted a native of Amsterdam and a subiect of the
said States, but this deponent is not sure that hee knoweth
the person of the said Peter And otherwise hee cannot depose.




Charles Gabrij

"On 3 February 1640, Charles Gabry, from Utrecht, 29 years old, living on the Vyzelgracht, assisted by his brother Jan Gabry, was legally engaged to Maria Walens, from Cologne, assisted by her uncle and guardian Salomon Walens and by Elisabet Walens, her sister, living as above, parents dead.

[signed] Charles Gabry, Maria Walens - (DTB 453/203) - marriage intentions of the church - (Own research)"[1]
  1. Jump up C17th Hollanders: (Onder)trouwen Amsterdam; marriage intentions and marriages of Amstrdam, 1640-1649, transcribed by Cor Schnabel