HCA 13/71 f.649v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.649v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 13. article he saith that in case the sayd ffrancis Hurdidge
had receyved his foresayd freight for the sayd Portugall Negers;
and the sayd Royall Customes and his profit of the sayd
places, and the money for the sayd salt and satisfaction for damages and losses at Angola the same being
together with his owne and Owners and ymployers negers turned
into money. the sayd money would have proćured about
four hundred sixty six chests of white sugars in case the same
had bene so layd out.

To the 14th article he saith that 22 of this deponents negers
aforesayd came safe and alive to land att Bahia as aforesayd
and were seized by the sayd Kings ministers as the rest were
and were worth one with another per head 45. millres,
and so much this deponent was offered for them att his first
landing them there. in case he had had power or might have
sold them and they likewise seized and tooke from this
deponent five large Elephants teeth well worth and that
might there have bene sold for twenty six milres, all
which this deponents dead losse did and doe amount to one
thousand and sixteene millres, which att the rates of sugars
there att that tyme would have produced six and
thirty Chests of the best white sugars; And saith moreover
he was forced to take upp sixty millres there for his owne
and his freinds necessary livelyhood having noe allowance
there for which hee hath payd thirty per Cent att Lisbo{n}
and sayth he lost eleaven monthes tyme by reason of
the sayd seizure, which at 4li. per moneth being his wages
a shipboard makes 44li, sterling besides the many inconvenienceys
and imprisonment att Angola. so as this deponents losses
are as followeth videlicet. 1016. millres. or 36. Chests of
sugar as aforesayd. 78. millres taken upp and in interest as
aforesayd for his support. and 44li. sterling. for losse of tyme.
And further deposeth not.

To the 15th. he saith that the sayd Captaine Hardidge when his shipp
was seized by the Hollanders which seizure was occasioned ny
the sayd seizure made by the Portuguese, did loose Clothes
gold plate a jewell his books and other things of great
value. of this deponents sight. and as himselfe saith of the value of
one thousand pounds sterling and upwards.

To the 16. 17th. and 18.th hee saith that the sayd Captaine Hardidge
and his Owners Negers whilest he stayd att Angola for the
unlading and repairing his shipp Cost him a Ryall 40. rees or
6d. sterling a day per heade and so much is the usuall price of a negers
diet there. and the allegat Thomas Wyse lost seven Elephants
Teeth worth 30. millrees - and John Cobb. John Haynes and
Richard Rawl lost each of them a Neger worth 48. or 50. millrees a peice and
Robert [?Pearce] and James Large lost one neger of the like value
all which the said Portugalls seized att Bahia as they did the rest