HCA 13/71 f.638v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.638v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 20th day of March 1656/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined on the sayd allegation/

Rp. 5

William Friier of the parish of Saint Leonard Shorditch Mariner
Masters Mate of the Sarah aged thirty eight yeares or
thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee goeing Masters Mate
of the Sarah the voyage in question knoweth that the arlate humfrey Beane
Thomas Thompson and others of their Company during the moneths of Aprill
May June July and some part of August one thousand sixe hundred fiftie sixe (in which moneth
at present ought to bee the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the
sayd shipp the Sarah andof her tackle apparrell and furniture And alsoe know[?eth GUTTER]
that the arlate Robert LLewellin was the sole frieghter of the say shipp for the
voyage in question which was a voyage from London to Guinney and there
to the Barbadoes or Virginia (which of them should bee found most [?convenient]
by such discretion of the Master of her and thence to London this hee knoweth goeing
Masters mate of her the sayd voyage And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the second hee cannot depose of certaine knowledge for that hee sawe not
the shipp Rapahannack till the same day shee was seized neere Cape Lopez
in Guinney./

To the 3 article hee saith hee goeing Masters Mate as aforesayd well knoweth
that the arlate Mr LLewellin did in the tyme arlate cause to bee laden at London
on board the shipp Sarah for his Accompt of Copper barrs [?Bowges]
Beades Iron and East India Stuffes and other goods, to be thence transported to
Guinney and there bartered away for Negroes to be thence transported to
Barbadoes or Virginia and there sold and disposed of to the use of the sayd
LLewellin, and for such other Commodities as Guinney afforded according
to the discretion of the Master and Supracargo of the sayd shipp: with which
outward Cargo hee knoweth the sayd shipp sett sayle from Gravesend (bound
for Guinney) on the first of ffebruary one thousand sixe hundred fifty five,
and arrived there in saftey therewith in or about the moneth of May that yeare
this hee knoweth for the reasons aforesayd And further cannot depose/

To the 4th article hee saith that for the reasons aforesayd hee knoweth that the
Shipp Sara being safely arrived in Guinney with her outward Cargoe her
Master and Supracargo did there barter away the greatest part of her outward
Cargoe for a hundred and sixty Negroes and a great quantitie of Elephants
teeth (the negroes to bee disposed of at Barbados or Virginia for Accompt of the sayd
LLewellin) and saith the sayd Master and Supracargo were in quiett and
peaceable possession of the sayd Negroes and Elephants teeth upon the high and
open Seas at Cape Lopez in Guinney And further cannot depose

To the 5th 6th and 7th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that for the
reasons aforesayd hee knoweth that the Sarah with the sayd hundred and
sixty Negroes, and Elephants teeth aboard her and about three or fower
hundred pounds worth of her Outward Cargo which remayned aboard un=
bartered away came to Cape Lopez (intending there to take wood and such
water for their better accomodation and thence to proceede to Virginia) and
there found the arlate Shipps the Mary and the Unicorne rideing at
Anchor with their dutch Colours up, and an English shipp (which as it afterwards
appeared they had taken some few dayes before) lying by them with English
Colours abroad, And the Master and Company of the Sarah by their dutch