HCA 13/71 f.637v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.637v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the Sarah and her ladeing, but they refused to have any comission
And further saith that after the surprizall of the Sarah and her ladeing
in manner as aforesayd here this deponent was kept as a prisoner on board
the Mary and thereby had often Conference with the sayd Scroll and, one [?Claes GUTTER]
Prince the Marchant aboard the Mary, and other officers of the sayd
Shipp, and heard the sayd Scroll confesse that hee was a dutchman and a
subject of the States of the United Provinces and that the sayd shipp Mary
did belonge to Amsterdam, and that hee came thee with and brought outward Cargo from holland her upon a tradeing voyage
and that hee lived at or neere [?Minikin dam] in holland, and the sayd Claes Prince
alsoe confessed to this deponent that hee was alsoe a subject of the sayd States
and lived at [?housden] in holland, and alsoe head most of the officers of the
Mary confesse that they were dutchmen subjects of the sayd states, And further
to these articles hee cannot depose saveing hee saith that about sixe or seaven
weekes after the surprizall of the Sarah videlicet about the [?eleveanth GUTTER]
of September 1656 the sayd Scroll being then on board the Unicorne
arlate, as Commander of her, and this deponent being a Prisoner on board the
Mary, sawe the sayd Scrawle (sic) upon the high and open Seas nere Cape Lopez
aforesayd surprize and take the arlate shipp the Rappanhannack of London
but whether the Unicorne then bore the dutch colours when shee made the sayd
seizure of the Rappanhannack, or what ladeing was surprized aboard the
Rappahannack hee knoweth not for that hee was a prisoner, but hath
heard shee had divers Negroes and alsoe other Merchandize then aboard her

To the 8th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that every of the
hundred and sixtie Negroes seized onboard the shipp the Sarah
the tyme and place aforesayd, would in the yeare 1656 arlate have
yeilded at the Barbadoes thirty pounds sterling per Negro in goods of
that Country or upon bills of exchange for money to bee paid in England
and would then have yeilded at Virginia at the least thirty five pounds
sterling per Negro in goods of that Country or bills of exchange for
money to be paid at London (Negroes usually bearing a greater price at
Virginia then at the Barbadoes) and this deponent after his being released
from being a prisoner on board the Mary came to the Barbadoes and there sawe
a shipp come in thither with Negroes in the moneth of december 1656 and sawe them
there sold for goods of that country after the rate of thirty five pounds sterling
per negro And this deponent beleeveth that what Negroes were surprized on
board the Rapahannuck would have [?yeleiled] at Barbados or Virginia the
rates aforesayd And further too this article hee cannot depose

To the 9th article hee saith as is predeposed that
there was on board the Sara at her seizure (for Accompt of the sayd LLewellin
a quantitie of Elephants teeth worth five hundred pounds sterling, and for
this deponents Account as Master a quantitie of Elephants teeth worth three
hundred pounds sterling as aforesayd, besides the Negroes predeposed of on
board her for the sayd LLewellins and this deponents Accompts And saith that besides
the premisses this deponents Sea Instruments and bookes and Cloathes, and
of the Sarah were worth five hundred pounds sterling at the least, and alsoe
the sayd shipps outward Cargoe undisposed of and on board her at the
tyme of her seizure and belonging to the sayd LLewellin was worth two
or three hundred pounds sterling all which hee well knoweth was seized
and taken away by the sayd Scrole and his Company and the Owners
thereof utterly deprived of the same And further to this article hee cannot depose
