HCA 13/71 f.635r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.635r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And further hee to this Article hee cannot of his owne knowledge depose
further or otherwise, then that about six weekes after the said
seizure, this deponent being as prisoner in and aboard the said shipp
Mary sawe the said shipp Rappahannacke in the power and
possession of the said Scroll and others the Officers and Companies
of the said two shipps, by when shee had alsoe beene in a violent
and hostile manner surprized and taken togeather with the
Negroes and goods aboard her at this deponent both then and since hath
been sufficiently informed and assured./

To the 6th hee saith, That the said shipps by which the seizure aforesaid was
made were dutch built shipps according to this deponents observation
and at the time of the seizure of the said shipp Sarah wore the
dutch colours and the said shipp Marie was belonging to Amsterdam
and the other shipps to Middleborough in Zeeland; and were both
of them sett out from the Texell of Amsterdam in holland with their
respective Cargoes of goods and merchandises designed to trade for
Negroes in the parts of Guinney, and that the Owners of the same
were dutchmen and Subjects of the States of the United Netherlands
and lived at Amsterdam and Middleborough or other places in the
said provinces, and that the Steeresman of the said shipp the Mary did
declare to this deponent that the said shipp Mary was at Amsterdam
aforesaid expressely built to be employed under the Command of the
said Scroll, whoe came Master or her from thence The premisses
hee knoweth partly by ocular observation, and partly by the frequent
acknowledgment of severall of the Companie of the said shipp Mary
during such time as this deponent was and remained prisoner aboard
her: And further cannot depose:-/

To the seaventh Article hee saith, That this deponent during his said
restraint did alsoe understand by the confession and acknowledgement of
severall of the said shipps Companie, and particularly of the said
Steeresman, that the said Scroll was a hollander, and a Native of and inhabitant of or
about Monickendam in that Countrey, as this deponent remembereth the
name of the place, and that one Claes Prince who was Merchant
in and aboard the said dutch shipps was by the like common relation
said to bee of Huesden in the said United Provinces, and that the said
Steeresmen, Gunners, Carpenters, Chirurgions and all or most
of the said shipps Companie were and acknowledged themselves to
bee of holland or Zeeland and Subjects of the said United provinces
And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the eighth hee saith, that hee this deponent with others of the
Companie of the said seized shipps after their [?dismission] from their
said restraint coming to the Barbadoes arlate in the moneth of
december last there saw and observed that severall Negroes being
there newly arrived were readily bartered away and diposed
of for at the least five and twenty hundred weight of sugar for