HCA 13/71 f.627v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.627v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And that they were and are subiects of this Commonwealth of England
and houskeepers resident in this citie of London, and for such commonly accounted
And further that the said shipp the Hope (of the burthen of about two
hundred tunns,) about two moneths since sailed from Apsham in England
in ballast for Port Lewis in Bretany, there to take in
her lading of corne to be brought for Apsham aforesaid for account
of English Merchants who freighted her for the said voyage; But is at Port Lewis
since stayed as they are informed upon pretence that shee belonged to the
dominions of the Lords the States of the United Netherland Provinces
which they say shee doth not, nor to any other place but to London,
nor to any other person either in part or whole, but meerly to their
the said daniell Thyssen and Robert ffellowes subiects of this

Daniel Tiyssen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Robert ffellowes [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The fifth of May 1657. [CENTRE HEADING]

Touching the shipp}
the Pha[?e]nix.}


Daniel Thyssen of London Merchant aged nine and thirtie
yeares or thereabouts, Martin hulston[?t] of the same citie Merchant
aged 36 yeares thereabouts, James Br[?ames] of London
Merchant aged 35 yeares or thereabouts and
James Guyot of the same citie Merchant aged 38
yeares or thereabouts, sworne before the right worshipfull Charles
George Cork Esquire: one of the Judges of the high Court
of the Admiraltie say and depose respectively by vertue of
their oathes.

That the shipp the Phaenix of London (Joachim Paulson master)
(of the burthen of two hundred tonnes or thereabouts, hath about a yeare
past sailed to and from severall ports in ffrance, namely from
port to port in that dominion, and that about two moneths since
being freighted at Bordeaux, shee sailed thence for Saint Malo's,
where (as they are informed) shee is now under restraint upon pretence of being
belonging to the dominions of the lords the States of the United Netherlands,
But they respectively say and depose that the said shipp belongeth
to this port of London and to noe other place, and that they were and
at present are the true real and sole owners of her and of her
tackle apparell and furniture without any other having any part of
there therein, and that they were and are all subiects of this
Commonwealth of England, and all houskeepers resident
in this citie of London and for such commonly accounted and knowne

daniel Thyssen [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
James gugot [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Masten hulstont [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
James: Braems [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]