HCA 13/71 f.619v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 619 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: P1140488.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/27 | |
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Edited on 17/04/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the 7th. 8th and 9th articles hee saith and deposeth that in the yeere
and monethes allegate, the said shipp being in her course from Cormantine
for the parts of East India come with the said gold and goods as farr as
or neere to Casa Lopez in a peaceable and quiet condition on her
said trading voyage, was there on or about the eleaventh of September
last old style, met with, forcibly assaulted shot at and by violence
taken and seized together wuth all the foresaid gold and goods
by two dutch shipps, the one called the Mary of Amsterdam and
the other said to be of Middleborowe, both under the command
(in cheife) of one Captaine John Scrawle a dutch man, and the halfe
at least of the said shipps companies were dutch, and commonly
said and accounted to be with the said commander subiects of the
States of the United Netherlands, and the said twoe shipps came (as
their companies acknowledged) from the Texel the said voyage for
the said coast of Ginney for Negroe's, and that mr Vandergoos
was one of their setters forth. And saith the said shipp Mary
was dutch built, and the said other vessell was originally Portugueze
and rebuilt or altered in the said United Netherlands. And saith the
Lyon and Providance being soe seized, her master company and
factors were quite dispoiled and deprived of her and of all the said
golds and goods, which were and are thereby utterky lost to the owners
thereof, and besides the said shipp, gold and goods, the said Scrowle
and company tooke away the papers, bookes and writings of the
master, company and factors of the said shipp the lyon and Providance
All which hee knoweth being present and seeing the same soe donne.
To the tenth hee cannot depose.
To the 11th 12 13th 14 15 and 16 hee saith that in all probabilitie had not the said
seizure and spoile happened, the said shipp had and would have
arived with her said gold and goods at the parts of
East India, and there have invested the same in goods of theise
parts, and have brought the same for theise parts, and here
in theise parts the same would have yeelded two for one and upwards, namely the said
gold and goods of the said shipps owners, would have produced and
made out five and twenty hundred pounds sterling and upwards by
com mon reputation, and the said Alderman and Maurice Tomsons gold and
goods proportonably according to the valew thereof, and soe to
have yeelded seaven thousand pounds sterling or thereabouts. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 17th hee saith that the said James Bridgeman Thomas
Preston and company, owners of the said shipp were to have had and
received for her freight in case of her safe arivall at this port
(where in all probabilitie shee would safely have arived if the said
spoile had not happened,) the summe of two thousand sixe hundred
and fiftie pounds sterling of the said Alderman and Maurice Tomson
besides the freight of private adventurers goods.
To the eighteenth the hee saith the said shipp lyon and Providance
at the time of the said seizure with her tackle furniture and provisions
were worth two thousand five hundred pounds sterling. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.
Thomas Preston [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]