HCA 13/71 f.612v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.612v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The third of March 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

Exámined upon the fore said allegation.

Rp. 2.

Nicholas Sperman of Offham in the County of kent
Chyrurgen aged twenty seven yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and exámined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knoweth the producent Alderman William Thompson, Maurice
Thompson, James Bridgeman and Thomas Preston and other persons
with them concerned in this business, and likewise well knoweth the
articulated shipp the Lyon and Providence, of which shipp and of
her tackle, apparrell and furniture hee saith the said James Bridgeman
Thomas Preston and company were the time arlate owners and
proprietors and for such commonly accompted, and that within the
said time shee was set out from this port of London and sailed from
Gravesend on or about the fourteenth of ffebruary, and thense to goe
to East India and to retourne to this port of London
and saith the said Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Thompson and
others there here before her proceeding laded a cargo of goods to be carried
in her to Guinney, there to be bartered away for gold, and that the said
shipp safely arived therewith at Cormantine on the coast of Guinney
and there bartered away the said exported goods or most part thereof
which hee knoweth going Chyrugeon of and in the said shipp, and
ariving there in her and seeing the premisses soe donne.

To the third 4th. 5. and 6 árticles hee saith and deposeth that within the said time
namely in or about July last the factors of the said shipp the said
voyage did in the roade of Cormantine aforesaid on the coast
of Guinney get and receive aboard the said shipp upon such barter or
buying for the exported goods a quantitie of gold, and were in the
quiet possession thereof aboard the said shipp on the high and open sea
on the said coast, and were the said shipp arived therewith off Cape lop[?u]s
or lobo G[?on]salva on the foresaid coast, intending to carry the same for
the parts of East India there to be invested in goods to be brought for
England, and saith that the persons arlated were interessed in the said
gold namely Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Thompson and
company, James Bridgeman Thomas Preston and company, Lionell
Skinner and severall other private adventurers amongst which hee
this deponent was one, who had alsoe gold and silver and oth{er} goods aboard the said shipp
and soe had sevrall others, The premisses hee deposeth being aboard and
seeing the same.

To the seaventh, eighth and nineth articles hee saith and deposeth that
within the said time, namely in the moneth of September last past
as the said shipp soe arived with the said gold and diverse goods and
merchandizes at or neere Cape Lop[?u]s or Lobo G[?o]nsalva aforesaid
(there intending to water and soe to proceede for the parts of East India)



Offham, Kent

See Wikipedia entry: Offham, Kent