HCA 13/71 f.610v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.610v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


his contest Peter du Bois and the rest of their company, who sadly
beheld the sailing away of their said shipp, while themselves
remained soe exposed; and after they had remained about twenty
dayes there ashore, it pleased God that an English shipp called
the Happie ffortune, (one Popperell master) came and
arived there, and saith the said master of the Brotherhood and company
(whereof this deponent was one as aforesaid) got passage in her to
the Barbada's.

To the fifth article hee saith that the said ninetie foure Negroes at
the time of the said surprizall were very lustyie and healthfull,
and each and every of them one with another would have given
and yealded at the Barbada's two thousand three hundred pounds
weight of good Barbada's sugar, for so much hee saith the
like or worse Negro's carried thither in the said Popperills shipp
yealded one with another, whereas the said shipp the Brotherhood
(had she not bin so surprized) might have and would in all
probabilitie have arrived there sooner than Popperells shipp and
to a better market, and saith that every pound weight of
the said sugar was then worth six pence sterling, and at that
rate it there usually went and was rated at the said time of
Popperrills ship comming thither, namely about the beginning of
Aprill last past.

To the sixth article he saith and deposeth that at the time of the
said seizure that were on board the said shipp the Brotherhood,
belonging to her master and company a quantitie of Gold, Elephants
teeth, sea Instruments, clothes materialls and necessaries to the valew
of five hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts, all which they lost
and were deprived of by the said seizure, the same being alsoe
arried away by the said takers, which hee knoweth for the reason
aforesaid being in the shipp at the time of the said seizure.

To the seventh hee saith that the said shipp Brotherhood at the
time of the said surprizall was of the burthen of sixtie tonnes
or thereabouts, well fitted and furnished, and well worth the
summe of three hundred and fiftie pounds sterling, and soe worth
the same would have yealded upon sale, with which hee knoweth for that
hee hath bin a seaman theise twenty yeares or thereabouts, and well
acquainted with shipping and the valew of shipps.

To the last hee saith that the said Peter and Abraham Cullier and company
by the said seizure have sustained losse and dammage to the summe
or valew of three thousand five hundred pounds sterling in his
this deponents estimation, by losse of their shipp, Negro's Elephants
teeth and proffits of the voyage. And otherwise hee cannot

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Timothy Moyser [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]