HCA 13/71 f.604v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.604v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the third article of the sayd allegation hee saith for that hee was one who made the
bargaine made upon the hyre of the sayd shipp the Anne he knoweth that
the sayd James Cowse and this deponent did agree to pay (and as hee beleeveth did pay or are to pay sixty pounds a
moneth for the hyre of the hull of the sayd shipp, and for that hee went
alonge in the sayd shipp a great part of the voyage in question hee knoweth that
the victualls and wages of the sayd shipps Company amounted to about seaventy
pounds a moneth, soe that thereby hee is fully convinced in conscience that the
sayd James Cowse and this deponent by such the sayd Jeggles his inability and ignorance of
gaineing the Port of Oport at his first arrivall and while fayer weather gave
a fitt oportunitie soe to doe, and by his longe stay and Lisbone before hee
came to Oport, was damnified in the hyre of the sayd shipp and mens wages
and victualls for that tyme the summe of fower hundred pounds sterling
or thereabouts And he saith that hee this deponent being at Oport long before
the sayd Jeggles arrived there with his sayd shipp knoweth that before
the arrivall of the sayd Jeggles with his sayd shipp at Oport an other English
shipp whereof one Mr Corbin was commander did arive at Oport with
a quantitie of the same sorte of goods as the sayd Jeggles afterwards brought
thither and thereby soe glutted the market there that the sayd James Cowse and this deponent
did in this deponents judgement and as hee verily beleeveth loose in the sale of the goods brought thither afterwards by the sayd Jeggles
a hundred pounds sterling and upwards And this deponent further saith that
by reason of the sayd Jeggles his long staye at Lisbone as aforesayd an
other English shipp (laden withthe like Commodities as the sayd Jeggles his shipp
carried from Oport to Barbados) was ready to depart and did depart in company
with the sayd Jeggles his shipp from Oport bound to the Barbados, and arrived
there in his Company, and two other shipps with the like goods came presently after
from Oport and arrived at the Barbados within few dayes
after the sayd Jeggles
his arrivall there which soe glutted the markett there alsoe, that the sayd James
Cowse and this deponent there lost alsoe in this deponents judgement and as hee verily beleeveth by the sale of his Portugall goods (of what otherwise it might
and would have yielded) the summe of three hundred pounds sterling or thereabouts)
all which was occasioned as aforesayd by the sayd Jeggles his unskillfullnes
the knowledge of Oport when hee was first neere it and had fayer weather
to have gotten in, and by his long stay afterwards at Lisbone as aforesayd
The premisses hee deposeth
being the person imployed by the sayd James Cowse to sell and dispose of the sayd goods
both at Oport and Barbados And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the 4th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent as
factor to the sayd James Cowse and alsoe in this deponents owne behalfe being
as having a part in all the goods sent by the sayd James Cowse in London
to Oport or from Oport to the Barbados and from Barbados to other places the voyage in question
did give the sayd Daniell Jeggles order at this departure from the Barbados
to New England to deliver at Mevis articulate a certayne quantitie of wynes
unto one Mr David Chamberlayne for the Accompt of the sayd James and this
deponent, which the sayd Jeggles undertooke to performe But saith that by
letters of advice sent by the said Chamberlaine to this deponent it doth to this