HCA 13/71 f.598v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.598v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4th hee saith in his this deponents Judgement the arlate Maurice
[?Lore] and company besides the losse aforementioned have suffered
at least a thousand pounds sterling dammage in the want of the sayd
shipp for soe long tyme as since such her seizure, to imploy in Merchandizing
affayres and for want of the proceeds of the sayd goods to imploy
in trade And saith of his knowledge the Company of the sayd shipp
the Speedewell did suffer great misery by their seizure being
pillaged and plundered not only of the goods they had aboard for their
Accompt but alsoe of their cloathes and all necessaries, and only some
few old ragges given them by the seizers to cover their nakednesse
and two shillings sixe pence a man allowed them towards bearing their
charges from Brest to Morlaix and thense to England and one
hunter one of the sayd shipps Company did in Bristoll departe this life soone after hee came thither
by reason of his weaknesse occasioned by the miserie and
hardships hee indured by meanes of the seizure aforesayd./
And further hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

Repeated with his contest before doctor



The 27th of March 1657.

Page against Basse.}

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation ex parte Page.

Rp. 4us

John Perriman of Redriff in the County of Middlesex
Mariner, aged 32 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the 9th article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
after the comming and arivall of the shipp the Samuel arlate
from the Canaries in the River of Thames namely on the tenth
of January 1655 (before any of her goods were delivered out)
this deponent and Phillip Ewers two masters of shipps (being
thereto requested) went aboard her then riding against Redriff
Church Staires, and viewed the stowage of her lading of
wines, and found that the caskes of wines all well and duely
stowed, and that the disordering of the stowage and dammage
happened to the wines, had happened and came by the casualtie
of the sea, and extremitie of weather, and not otherwise,
And saith that hee this deponent hath bin a master of shipps
theise seaven yeares last, and the said Ewers a longer time, namely
twenty yeares as hee beleeveth, and soe both understanding and
experienced in stowage of wines and other goods. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.

Upon the rest not exámined by direction.


Repeated before doctor [?Sweit], Surogate.