HCA 13/71 f.596r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 596 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/03/27 | |
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Edited on 05/08/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Exámined upon the foresaid Interrogatories
Rp. 2.
Thomas Sharpe of London Mariner, aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and exámined as aforesaid.
To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith hee well know the shipp the
ffortune the voyage in question and well knoweth mr henry Clarke interrogated
and sawe the said mr Clarke at leith in August last, at or about which
time hee laded and caused to be laded aboard the said shipp five hundred
deale boards, betwixt thirtie and fourtie tonnes of casks or thereabouts
severall brasse kettles, pistolls, and other commodities, And otherwise hee
cannot depose.
To the third Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth the said mr henry Clarke
was owner of the said deale boards, caskes, kettles, pistolls and other
goods, and to him alone they belonged, and were consigned to the
Barabadas, (whereunto the said shipp was intended), to be delivered there
to his brother. And otherwise hee cannot depose saving the said goods were
to be disposed to the use of the said henry Clarke.
To the fourth hee saith the said shipp with the said goods aboard her
departed on the said voyage from leith about the end of August last
and touching at Saint Andrews went on her said voyage for the Barbada's,
but the servants that were aboard the said shipp tumulted and rising
against the master and mariners, endeavoured to prevent her sailing
for the Barbadas, howbeit the master and mariners, having the navigating
the shipp, lay to and against with her in the bay of Biscay hoping to
meete some English frigot or shipp, and by their end to reduce the
said servants to obedience, but it soe happend that there came two
ffrench man of warr, who put men aboard her and carried her and
her lading to Broua[?ge] in the Realme of ffrance, and there turned out
her master and company and possessed themselves of the said shipp and lading
and disposed thereof, and soe the foresaid goods of the said mr henry Clarke
were and are quite lost unto him. All which premisses hee knoweth
seeing the said goods laded and going in the said shipp factor for the
owners, and being in her to the time of the said spoile and dispossessing
by the ffrench as aforesaid, and at Brouage this deponent sawe many of
the said Clarkes goods landed and disposed of by the ffrench, and beleeveth
hee hath never had any the least recompence for any of them.
To the cross Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith there were about sixe score servants aboard
the said shipp when shee departed from Scotland and was taken as aforesaid,
which servants were to have bin transported to the Barbada's,
and were belonging some to the said mr Clarke, some to one mr Watson, some
to his precontest mr hicks, and the rest to others, but howe many
of them were belonging to the said mr Clarke or how many to any others
hee saith hee knoweth not. And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as
To the second hee saith the said servants soe tumulting, over powered the master
and mariners, and endeavoured to have the shipp carried away and prevent
the voyage, and when the said two ffrench man of warr came up with the them, the
said servants delivered themselves up and unto them, to be carried into ffrance.