HCA 13/71 f.589v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 589 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/08/30 |
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hee deposeth for that hee was present with the sayd damerell Golding and
Welch and heard the sayd Conference to the effect
aforesayd aboard the sayd Welch his shipp: And saith hee well remembreth
that the sayd damerell being on board the sayd Goldings shipp, the same day
did from thence call to his Companyes of the Owners Adventure and Greyhound
and bid them loose their sayd shipps and and make ready their boates to move
further into the Ice towards shoare, And saith hee well remembreth that
thereupon the words arlate or others to that effect were spoken by the arlate
Goulding or Welch or one of them, (but which of them hee remembreth
not) And further hee cannot to this article depose saveing hee saith he well
knoweth the arlate Pybus Welch Goulding and Child did with their shipps
(the next day being the eighteenth of the sayd moneth)
put out to sea againe, and did not endeavour to goe any further into
the Ice towards shoare, there being then in this deponents Judgment and their Judgment as
hee alsoe heard them saye) now possibility of gaineing shoare or harbour
To the 6th hee saith hee heard some quarrelling words passe upon the sayd 17th day of June last betwixt the
arlate Gosling and damerell on board the Owners Adventure upon the sayd
damerells Commands to worke her in further into the Ice, but the particulars
of them (hee being in the sayd Goldings shipp and not takeing any great heede
thereto) hee remembreth not, but saith that whatsoever the words were, hee did
observe (for such tyme as the Owners Adventure was any thing neere the
sayd Goldings shipp) the sayd Gosling and Maundrie did doe their endeavour
according to their places to assiste the rest of the sayd shipps Company in
the workeing the sayd shipp further intowards shoare then the other fower
shipps went, according to the Command of the sayd damerell: And further
to this article hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee beleeveth and according to
his Judgement, that the sayd shipp was wrought about fower myles further
into the Ice towards shoare then the other fower shipps were/
To the 8th hee saith hee well knoweth that the shipps Owners Adventure and
Greyhound upon the eighteenth of the sayd moneth were wrought out to Sea
againe and recovered the Company of the other fower Shipps
And further hee cannot depose/
To the 9th hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Pybus Welch Child and
Goulding and hath knowne them dor fivers yeares last past and saith they had
made many voyages to Greeneland and are well experienced in the
fishing trade there, And saith hee this deponent did account it a rash acte
of damerell to adventure soe farr into the Ice as hee did and to leave the ?waye
of the other shipps as hee did, and this deponent heard the sayd Golding and
other the seamen of his shipp declare them selves to the same effect, And
hee saith hee well knoweth that the arlate Pybus his shipp (not goeing in
soe farr as damerell did) did in her getting out of the Ice to sea, bilge
a hole in her bowe against a peece of Ice and was thereby in great
danger of being sunke had shee not bin assisted by the helpe of the
Companyes of the shipps of the sayd Golding Welch and Child, and
also of the Companyes of the Owners Adventure and Greyhound after
they gott out of the Ice to sea and recovered hers and the other shipps
Companyes, And further hee cannot depose saving hee saith in his this
deponents Judgment the sayd Pybus Welch Goulding and Child their